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    Mathias Poujol-Rost ✅ ’s feed


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      Mathias Poujol-Rost ✅ · Thursday, 9 December, 2021 - 13:54

      Contact publication

    FediTips ☃️ (@feditips@mstdn.social)
    • FediTips ☃️ (@feditips@mstdn.social)

      Each network on the Fediverse is made up of lots of independent servers, called "instances". You can see all the latest public posts and boosts on your home instance by clicking "Local" at the side of the screen. It can be a good place to find new people to follow. However, on larger instances this Local feed may be an unreadable firehose of posts that scrolls far too quickly. This is why a lot of people prefer being on smaller instances that match their interests. #FediTips #Fediverse #MastoTips #Mastodon #Instances

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