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      Snikket: Sponsoring Group Chat Encryption in Siskin

      Snikket Team ( • / PlanetJabber • 30 November, 2020 • 1 minute

    For some time XMPP has been in need of a good solution for Apple’s mobile operating system,iOS. In 2020 we now have a number of active projects. Work on the long-standing iOS (and nowalso MacOS) client Monal IM has really picked up in recent months, in no small part thanksto the efforts of tmolitor , who has beencontributing a lot of modernization to both the UI and the internals.

    Tigase also released an open-source iOS client, Siskin IM that has been making steady progress recently .

    Monal IM

    Monal IM

    Siskin IM

    Siskin IM

    It’s exciting to see so much activity happening around XMPP on iOS now, and both projectsare adding more modern XMPP features with every release. Snikket does not currently havean official iOS client, so we’ve obviously been keeping a close eye on these advancements.

    A major interoperability problem between the current version of Siskin and other modern XMPPclients is that it does not support end-to-end encryption (OMEMO) in group chats. This meansthat users of Siskin cannot participate in private group chats started by Conversations orthe Snikket client on Android, because they are end-to-end encrypted by default.

    OMEMO is a form of “end-to-end encryption”, which meansthat it hides message contents from the servers and operators of each chat participant. Siskinalready supports OMEMO for one-to-one conversations, but not group conversations.

    One of the goals of Snikket’s CIC is supporting and advancing theXMPP ecosystem. With that in mind, we’ve been working in recent months to obtain fundingto close this gap in Siskin. Today we are pleased to announce that thanks to a private donor,the project can now move forward. The Tigase team will commence work on OMEMO in MUC in thecoming weeks!

    This is really exciting news, and will bring the XMPP experience for iOS users an importantstep closer to that of other platforms. There will be more announcements in the future, staytuned!

    If you want to help us with our goals and other projects like this,consider a donation , contribute in some other way ,or simply help spread the word! The future of XMPP is coming :)

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      Monal IM: Monal Mac 4.9 out (no arm yet)

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 29 November, 2020

    While I work out issues with Xcode 12, I have released a Monal 4.9 build for Mac using Xcode 11. I hope to have an arm native build as soon as the code signing issues in Xcode are resolved. I am talking to Apple about it.

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: 4.9 betas

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 28 November, 2020

    iOS 4.9 beta has been out for a week or so. The mac beta is on its way. I would like this will support the new M1 processors if possible. I am running into some issues with signing on Xcode 12 that is blocking it at the moment

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

      This post is public /blog/4-9-betas/

    • chevron_right

      Ignite Realtime Blog: Spark 2.9.4 Released

      wroot • / PlanetJabber • 14 November, 2020 • 1 minute

    The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the availability of Spark version 2.9.4.

    This time our long time Ignite Realtime Foundation member @guus fixed a lot of issues regarding how Spark handles SSL certificates (or rather how it was not handling them). There is also a new option to disable games with Client Control plugin (need version 2.1.6). And improvements to file transfer and handling of passwords.

    Full list of changes can be found in the changelog .

    We encourage users and developers to get involved with Spark project by providing feedback in the forums or submitting pull requests on our GitHub page.

    You can download Spark from the Downloads page. Below are the sha1 checksums:

    0a4b04d956c7b9fac96382f4ebaeebb01ba21a12  spark_2_9_4.debf0b9e59fded30e99634419dceef99b206434a3f8  spark_2_9_4.dmgb6f958491af01b0989dc261a08210017c95a9cab  spark_2_9_4.exe78e1c3fb24d1c032aacc4f601b516b9b004d3059  spark-2.9.4.rpmb58402e870cc6fccae08b1b4aa4e9909047116ec  spark_2_9_4.tar.gz29a77ecd572a4f202ffd92931d95dc073dccfd6d  spark_2_9_4-with-jre.dmg12812da3e9078ebb0bfda1353b81bc89a238365d  spark_2_9_4-with-jre.exe

    For other release announcements and news follow us on Twitter

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    • chevron_right

      Ignite Realtime Blog: Client Control plugin 2.1.6 released

      wroot • / PlanetJabber • 14 November, 2020

    The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the immediate release of version 2.1.6 of the Client Control plugin for Openfire!

    This update adds an option to disable plugins in Spark. Specifically currently it allows to disable Reversi and TicTacToe games. In the future it can be extended to disable more plugins. You need Spark 2.9.4 or newer for this option to work.

    Your instance of Openfire should automatically display the availability of the update in the next few hours. Alternatively, you can download the new release of the plugin at the Client Control plugin archive page

    For other release announcements and news follow us on Twitter

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    • chevron_right

      Ignite Realtime Blog: Spark 2.9.3 Released

      wroot • / PlanetJabber • 24 October, 2020

    The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the availability of Spark version 2.9.3.

    This is mostly a bugfix release. And all fixes this time were done by Arthur Ostretsov . We are very grateful for his contribution to Spark project. Arthur has fixed various issues with reconnection logic, cleaned up code, also added file transfer events to chat history.

    Full list of changes can be found in the changelog .

    We encourage users and developers to get involved with Spark project by providing feedback in the forums or submitting pull requests on our GitHub page.

    You can download Spark from the Downloads page. Below are the sha1 checksums:

    a626e64fc95a7d3909b662c7190787694cf26f3f  spark_2_9_3.debe5fe3cd1f9570b2270398e180523304f73deb92d  spark_2_9_3.dmgfa13fb61d5df43344e09011ba912ba9716619b87  spark_2_9_3.exeb6f31882230c23f394255b3302828eb3397f1ec6  spark-2.9.3.rpm1c1bddbe2cd6e01ecb49749299853806d1666886  spark_2_9_3.tar.gz1d65ce7cf243230596d13fde5c64e457fde226d9  spark_2_9_3-with-jre.dmgcac5c1dabc0f4f2ace7ca506dab3c8feaae47066  spark_2_9_3-with-jre.exe

    For other release announcements and news follow us on Twitter

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    • chevron_right

      Erlang Solutions: The complete guide to Instant Messaging and in-application chat.

      Erlang Solutions • / PlanetJabber • 21 October, 2020 • 7 minutes

    What you need to know about Instant Messaging and chat applications

    Have you got the message? Chat is a critical feature for almost every business, in virtually every industry. Now, more than ever, digital communication is relied upon to share information and keep our contacts and users in touch. We’ve created bespoke chat applications for use cases as varied as large scale medical or digital health providers, industry-leading financial service providers and modern dating apps. For business-to-consumer uses, chat is a great way to turn your app or business into a community, keeping users engaged and adding a social element to your applications. On the other hand, in the B2B space, chat applications can be used to increase collaboration and productivity. In fact, external research conducted by one of our clients TeleWare found that instant messaging was the most in demand feature for a financial service app.

    In this blog, we’ll look at some of the key considerations for an Instant Messaging service as well as the must-have features of the modern chat application and how MongooseIM 4.0 stacks up to deliver what you need.

    Build vs buy

    One of the first considerations a company needs to make when implementing a chat offering is whether to use an out-of-the-box product-as-a-service or software-as-a-service offering or build your own chat. Below we weigh up the pros and cons of each approach.

    load testing diagram

    Benefits of buying

    The key benefits of an out-the-box purchase solution is that you are able to deploy quickly. The bigger players in this space often offer a comprehensive set of integrations and require little to no development from your team. They also provide users with a familiar user-interface, which means they’re incredibly quick for anyone to learn how to use. All of this means you can be up-and-running quickly with the peace-of-mind that you’re using a tried and tested solution.

    Cons of buying

    Both product-as-a-service and software-as-a-service options create the ongoing overhead of a subscription fee by their very nature. Over time, this cost inevitably adds up, making it a more expensive offering. Another drawback is that bought options are designed as one-size-fits-all products and seldom offer flexibility for bespoke features and changes. These options offer next to no control and data ownership is often shared. This makes it hard for your users to control their privacy and hard for your chat solution to meet any needs other than the most vanilla offering.The customer service and support can also be variable. All of this creates a huge potential for complication if something stops functioning in what is essentially a blackbox solution.

    Benefits of building

    Building provides you with the flexibility to create a specific chat solution for your needs and own every step in the functionality. In theory, building can be more affordable over the long-term as it reduces the ongoing costs of a software-as-a-service offering. An owned solution also minimises the risk of major changes in your chat application no longer being compitable with the rest of your application.

    Cons of building

    When building goes wrong, it is the most costly option, with high upfront and ongoing maintenance costs. Building your own chat application can run into difficulties when the app starts to scale (which is exactly when you want them least). Lastly, building something bespoke means there is no support or community to help you troubleshoot.

    The MongooseIM way

    MongooseIM is a massively scalable, battle tested, open-source chat server that has been proven to be able to handle 10’s of millions of connections with ease. With MongooseIM you have the freedom and flexibility to use the open-source product and develop it to your needs, or you can engage our experts to build bespoke features for you. Our team also offers the peace-of-mind of support should you ever need it. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to develop and own your chat solution without the cost or risk of starting from scratch.

    load testing diagram

    The most desired features in a chat application

    With over a decade’s experience in building chat applications, we know the features required to ensure a success, taking everyone from the end-user to the DevOps team into consideration. Below is a list of the most used and desired features and how MongooseIM stacks up.

    Real-time chat

    It goes without saying that a chat application should allow users to reliably send and receive messages in real-time. MongooseIM’s scalability ensures that no matter what the spikes or loads of your user-base is, no important message will be lost in transit.

    Push notifications

    Push notifications are one of the most valuable parts of a modern chat application. Even if your user is not logged into the application, they’ll still be informed of the message. For B2C applications, that increases the chances of bringing them back to your app and for B2B applications, it ensures no important message goes missed, without requiring your team to be logged into a chat application at all times. MongooseIM has an in-house developed push notification management system, MongoosePush, which is designed to integrate with MongooseIM to easily enable push notifications for your chat app.

    External integrations

    MongooseIM rarely works alone, usually it is coupled with other microservices. We offer a rest API that these services can call, and an event pusher for MongooseIM to notify them, thus providing a two-way communication with other microservices over the REST API.


    An easy to use API makes your chat application faster and easier to embed and integrate into your chat. We offer a REST API, which is simple, modern and easily understood by most developers. This can be used for both backend integration and client / service development.

    Multi-user Chat

    Group chat is one of the most popular features in social settings, and one of the most in-demand features for business collaboration. MongooseIM offers a multi-user chat functionality that is reliable and seamless for users whilst minimising demands on your server. We also provide a light-weight implementation of multi-user chat, tailored for mobile devices.

    File Transfer and sharing

    For a majority of use cases, allowing users to share and transfer files makes a chat more usable, keeping them engaged on your platform longer. MongooseIM uses an out-of-band transfer method which reduces the workload on the server side whilst still enabling an easier to use experience for users to share files within the chat application.

    Batch permission

    Batch permissions allow for privacy and control of access to information. MongooseIM uses access control lists to offer this functionality. Our chat applications have been approved by regulatory bodies in the health care and financial services worldwide.

    Contact management

    As an application built in XMPP, MongooseIM uses the tried and tested mod_roster functionality to allow for users to manage and customise their address books within the chat application.

    History and version control

    If something goes wrong, history and version control is vital. Having access to previous versions means you always have a proven version to fall back on. MongooseIM has a public history of its source code which you have access to at all times.

    Contact sharing

    Contact sharing from within a chat application encourages connections between groups of users, helps to grow user bases and increase collaboration.

    Four key MongooseIM integrations

    Instant Messaging and Kubernetes

    Kubernetes has become an extremely popular platform-agnostic deployment tool and has powerful cloud management automation. The MongooseIM Helm Chart makes it easy to install MongooseIM and MongoosePush to Kubernetes.

    Structured Log Management for chat solutions

    Humio is a modern log management tool that provides complete observability to your team. Our new structured logging allows you to integrate with log management tools just like Humio to identify, prevent and resolve bottlenecks, poor usage patterns in production and other recurring issues in your system.

    Instant Messaging metrics

    WombatOAM is another tool to help you understand what is going on under-the-hood in your system. WombatOAM specialises in giving you visibility on the metrics of your system so you can identify trends and prevent problems arising. This includes allowing you to create automated alarms based on customisable performance metrics such as CPU usage.

    Aysnchrounous message delivery

    In complex systems RabbitMQ can be used as an asynchronous message broker. MongooseIM is able to handle the instant messaging between users’ smartphone while RabbitMQ connects these devices to other software systems.

    Make sure your users get the message

    MongooseIM 4.0 has just been released. In this release, we’ve gone a step further to ensure an easy to use product for developers, users and a DevOps alike. Explore the changes on GitHub

    If you need help with the perfect chat solution for your needs, talk to our team of scalability experts. We’re always happy to help.

    You may also like:

    MongooseIM - page

    How to add messaging - webinar

    Testing the scalability of MongooseIM - blog

    How we can add value to your product with chat - blog

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      This post is public /blog/the-complete-guide-to-instant-messaging-and-in-application-chat.html

    • chevron_right

      Ignite Realtime Blog: Openfire 4.6.0 is released

      guus • / PlanetJabber • 16 October, 2020 • 2 minutes

    The Ignite Realtime Community is elated to be able to announce the release of Openfire version 4.6.0!

    This release is the first non-patch release in 10 months, which brings a healthy amount of new features, as well as bug fixes.

    I’d like to explicitly thank the many people in the community that have supported this release: not only were a significant amount of code contributions provided, the feedback that we get in our chatroom and on our community forums is of great value to us!

    Highlights of this release include extensively improved XMPP protocol support, particularly around Pubsub and PEP and better compatibility with higher-end encryption parameters out-of-the-box, which should particularly benefit environments that make heavy use of server-to-server federation.

    This release includes experimental support for federated multi-user chat for constrained environments (as defined in XEP-0289 ). This feature aims to reduce the dependency on highly reliable, high volume network connectivity.

    The complete changelog contains approximately 80 issues that have been resolved in this release.

    We invite you to give this release a try. The process of upgrading from an earlier version is as lightweight as ever. It is outlined in the Openfire upgrade guide . Please note that, if desired, a significant amount of professional partners is available that can provide commercial support for upgrading, customization, or other services.

    We’re always happy to hear about your experiences, good or bad! Please consider dropping a note in the community forums or hang out with us in our web support groupchat .

    You can find Openfire release artifacts on the download page . These are the the applicable sha1sum s:

    3747eb30a9c301cb4e169ea58682bffaec928d45  openfire-4.6.0-1.i686.rpm446dd40b68e89311f4e7de62af4cb1dfe44cff2d  openfire-4.6.0-1.noarch.rpm74023de1be0211bbc6879173bc9a5875605cd375  openfire-4.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm0db33511ff833dc904ea7845d6eb3294cf418782  openfire_4.6.0_all.debfe7684d7ddf12896d138af64adb2d79f62874c29  openfire_4_6_0_bundledJRE.execb490c5762c2f2f4ccd70a5a09b5faab59dc5e99  openfire_4_6_0_bundledJRE_x64.exefb915d112f522860fdd419c8bc0371f7a4a2105a  openfire_4_6_0.dmga5fada882ace449df9056205618e86312a08ec6e  openfire_4_6_0.exe43a5b890e52b4baa7e8096410a7b398c89ad4d33  openfire_4_6_0.tar.gzd11cfed06901fef69fcac1c3c4e28f60256baf62  openfire_4_6_0_x64.exe86e150c2cb9b74c63b3907e3c036cc046c78c5ba  openfire_4_6_0.zip436f9833fe8d7185c800daf3d35c2d5d11d1f6ea  openfire_src_4_6_0.tar.gza3a274b2f12d4cf9f15cb981e6c2b18c78ca07c6

    As per usual, we have created a 4.6 branch in our source code repository , that will hold follow-up bug fixes for this release, which will be numbered with 4.6.x identifiers. The main branch will over time evolve into release 4.7. We do not expect to perform more releases on the 4.5 branch.

    Thank you for using Openfire!

    For other release announcements and news follow us on Twitter

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    • chevron_right

      Erlang Solutions: What's new in MongooseIM 4.0 - The friendly Mongoose

      Erlang Solutions • / PlanetJabber • 15 October, 2020 • 4 minutes

    Hello from the team at MongooseIM

    It’s been busy four months. As most of us were locked in our homes, we decided to put it to use and prepare a really special release. We introduced a new configuration format, structured logging and many new features and extensions that add up to the product we are proud to share with you. MongooseIM has always empowered users to create a customised, owned chat application without the struggle of building one from scratch, now we’ve made these amazing features even more accessible and easy to use.

    Friendly to developers with TOML configuration

    We want everyone to be able to benefit from MongooseIM, and so it was a rude awakening to hear the configuration described as ‘the trenches of the Somme’ by one of our users. Given we love Erlang, we hadn’t considered that its configuration might be a barrier for some developers. Once we read the feedback we knew that had to change. In the release of 4.0 we are introducing a new configuration format. For that task we’ve decided to go with TOML. Thanks to its merits we managed to get rid of most of the nested lists and tuples that sometimes were followed by a comma and at other times by a dot. We have simplified the syntax and disassembled the trenches while keeping the required configuration capabilities.
    If you want to have a closer look at the new configuration format, please have a look at the Configuration section in our docs.

    Friendly to Kubernetes with Helm Charts

    We all like to have the installation procedure as simple as installing a package. So we’ve made it possible to install MongooseIM and MongoosePush on Kubernetes through the Helm Chart.
    You can find the Helm Charts of our organisation at the link below:

    Friendly to DevOps with structured logging

    In MongooseIM 4.0 we’re introducing structured logs. This can help to have more precise and clearer structure when we query events that are logged. This is a tool you may need not often, but when you do need it, you’ll be so glad you have it because it makes it significantly easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.
    If you are not yet familiar with the new OTP logger and structured logs we recommend having a look at this blogpost.

    Friendly for users with video and voice calling

    With the new release, we added the implementation for XEP-0215: External Service Discovery which assists in discovering information about services external to the XMPP network. The main use-case is to help discover STUN/TURN servers to allow for negotiating media exchanges.
    So if you want to have a video/voice call using MongooseIM and Conversations now you can. You can use MongooseICE as a STUN/TURN relay, configure MongooseIM with mod_extdisco enabled and start having video calls between connected users.
    For more details on how to use and setup mod_extdisco and our STUN/TURN server stay tuned to our future blog posts and in the meantime, please see our documentation page:

    Friendly for everyone with improvements to MongoosePush

    We’ve released a new MongoosePush. In the 2.1 release you will find:
    OpenAPI Specs
    Phoenix as the Web Framework
    Structured Logs, logfmt and JSON formatters
    Metrics: Exometer to Telemetry, Multidimensional metrics
    Many improvements in the testing pipeline

    For more information on the new MongoosePush, please have a look at the release notes

    Friendly for managers with AMOC 2.1 Load testing

    We released AMOC 2.1. This release focuses on the REST API, which is now powered by OpenAPI Specifications generated by openapi-generator. We’ve also significantly reworked the RestAPI so you can upload files with simple put requests. With the newly introduced documentation API for scenarios you can now check what the scenario is about before running it. Finally, the execution API was updated and now you have full control of options such as starting, stopping scenario, adding, removing users. This makes load testing even easier so you can demonstrate the value of MongooseIM to your management team.

    Let’s be friends!

    So if you ever considered MongooseIM for your product or a project but you didn’t choose it for some reason, it’s time to give it a try. It’s the most robust, scalable and now easiest to configure Instant Messaging solution available on the market. Learn more about how MongooseIM stacks up against the competitors in terms of key considerations like costs and features in our complete guide to choosing a messaging app. Or, explore the MongooseIM page.

    One last word from your friends at MongooseIM

    load testing diagram

    After working hard to get the new release live, we wanted to show off a little creative spirit. Here’s the MongooseIM’s team summary of MongooseIM 4.0 as inspired by the theme song to Friends!

    So no one told your MongooseIM 4.0 was gonna be this way
    When your app’s won’t scale, you’re broke
    Your XMPP life’s DOA
    It’s like you’re always stuck with a single node
    When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month
    Or even your year, but
    MongooseIM will be there for you
    (When the rain of messages starts to pour)
    MongooseIM will be there for you
    (When you like to configure with TOML)
    MongooseIM will be there for you
    (‘Cause structured logs are for people too)

    You may also like:

    Our complete guide to Instant Messaging

    MongooseIM - page

    How to add messaging - webinar

    Testing the scalability of MongooseIM - blog

    How we can add value to your product with chat - blog

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

      This post is public /blog/what-s-new-in-mongooseim-4-0-the-friendly-mongoose.html