
    • Xm chevron_right

      The XMPP Newsletter February 2022 / XMPP • 5 March, 2022 • 6 minutes

    Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter, great to have you here again! This issue covers the month of February 2022.

    Like this newsletter, many projects and their efforts in the XMPP community are a result of people’s voluntary work. If you are happy with the services and software you may be using, especially throughout the current situation, please consider saying thanks or help these projects! Interested in supporting the Newsletter team? Read more at the bottom.

    Newsletter translations

    This is a community effort, and we would like to thank translators for their contributions. Volunteers are welcome! Translations of the XMPP Newsletter will be released here (with some delay):

    XSF Announcements

    XSF and Google Summer of Code 2022

    XSF fiscal hosting projects

    The XSF offers fiscal hosting for XMPP projects. Please apply via Open Collective . For more information, see the announcement blog post . Current projects:



    • describes in their blog why gateways, and especially bidirectional gateways, with XMPP and other protocols, are so useful. Their Newsletter also announces the launch of worldwide calling and completion of their rebrand. bidirectional gateways

    Software news

    Clients and applications

    Dino 0.3 has been released : Video calls and conferences - encrypted and peer-to-peer. Dino now supports calls between two or more people!

    Dino calls

    Gajim development news : February brought a unified group chat details window, which offers all the configuration knobs you need. Also this month: less memory leaks and improved OMEMO QR codes.

    Monal had a successful funding campaign for a build server, which will significantly reduce build time. Further insights into Monal development : Monal will drop support for iOS 12 and 13, and for macOS Catalina. Monal’s team is searching for a SwiftUI developer, and they need help with building a new and simplified website.

    Big news from Movim: Movim 0.20 “Skiff” has been released, which features OMEMO support, GUI improvements, and better group chat management.

    Movim GUI update

    Psi+ 1.5.1605 has been released with OMEMO fixes.

    Poezio 0.13.2 has been released , this version only fixes the compatibility with the newly released slixmpp 1.8.0 , but a much more interesting release is to come soon.

    Profanity developers wrote a blog post on how to run their client on Pinephones.

    Tigase released BeagleIM 5.1 and SiskinIM 7.1 featuring improved OMEMO support.


    Jackal 0.57.0 , an XMPP server written in Go has been released.

    Openfire announces the release of Openfire 4.7.1 : Notable fixes include security updates to bundled database drivers, logging configuration fixes, and an important fix for users experiencing troubles with users getting booted from group chat rooms. Furthermore, Openfire Pàdé 1.6.1 has been released. REST API Openfire plugin 1.7.1 hase been released, too.

    Snikket published an important update for users of their server software on ARM devices, including Raspberry Pi boards .

    Tigase XMPP Server 8.2.0 has been released.


    Mellium Co-op has released v0.21.0 and v0.21.1 of the library for Go! Highlights for this release include basic support for PubSub and PEP as well as In-Band Bytestreams. More information can be found in the release announcement . Version 0.21.1 fixes a security issue that was discovered in the websocket package and should be preferred when updating. For more information see CVE-2022-24968 .

    Slixmpp 1.8.0 has been released, which adds compatibility with python 3.10, as well as a lot of improvements related to typing and async under the hood.

    Tigase had several releases for their products: Halcyon 0.0.17 , JaXMPP 3.5.0 , Tigase Swift 3.1.0 , and Tigase Swift-OMEMO 2.1.0 .

    Extensions and specifications

    Developers and other standards experts from around the world collaborate on these extensions, developing new specifications for emerging practices, and refining existing ways of doing things. Proposed by anybody, the particularly successful ones end up as Final or Active - depending on their type - while others are carefully archived as Deferred. This life cycle is described in XEP-0001 , which contains the formal and canonical definitions for the types, states, and processes. Read more about the standards process . Communication around Standards and Extensions happens in the Standards Mailing List ( online archive ).


    The XEP development process starts by writing up an idea and submitting it to the XMPP Editor. Within two weeks, the Council decides whether to accept this proposal as an Experimental XEP.


    • No new XEPs this month.


    If an experimental XEP is not updated for more than twelve months, it will be moved off Experimental to Deferred. If there is another update, it will put the XEP back onto Experimental.

    • No XEPs deferred this month.


    • Version 2.13.0 of XEP-0004 (Data Forms)

      • Add incomplete submission form handling (melvo)
    • Version 1.24.1 of XEP-0060 (Publish-Subscribe)

      • Add hint for processing incomplete submission forms (melvo)
    • Version 1.24.0 of XEP-0060 (Publish-Subscribe)

      • Advertise support for publishing items
      • Replace ‘allow’ with ‘allows’ (melvo)
    • Version 1.23.0 of XEP-0060 (Publish-Subscribe)

      • Clarify (redefine) pubsub#type field. (edhelas, pep)

    Last Call

    Last calls are issued once everyone seems satisfied with the current XEP status. After the Council decides whether the XEP seems ready, the XMPP Editor issues a Last Call for comments. The feedback gathered during the Last Call help improving the XEP before returning it to the Council for advancement to Stable.

    • No Last Call this month.

    Stable (formerly known as Draft)

    Info: The XSF has decided to rename ‘Draft’ to ‘Stable’. Read more about it here.

    • No XEPs advanced to Stable this month.


    • No XEP deprecated this month.

    Call for Experience

    A Call For Experience - like a Last Call, is an explicit call for comments, but in this case it’s mostly directed at people who’ve implemented, and ideally deployed, the specification. The Council then votes to move it to Final.

    • No Call for Experience this month.

    Spread the news!

    Please share the news on other networks:

    Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter

    Also check out our RSS Feed !

    Looking for job offers or want to hire a professional consultant for your XMPP project? Visit our XMPP job board .

    Help us to build the newsletter

    This XMPP Newsletter is produced collaboratively by the XMPP community. Therefore, we would like to thank Adrien Bourmault (neox), alkino, anubis, Anoxinon e.V., Benoît Sibaud, cpm, daimonduff, emus, Ludovic Bocquet, Licaon_Kter, marevalo, mathieui, MattJ, nicfab, patasca, seveso, Sam Whited, singpolyma, TheCoffeMaker, wurstsalat,xdelatour, Ysabeau for their support and help in creation, review and translation. Many thanks to all contributors and their continuous support!

    Each months’s newsletter issue is drafted in this simple pad . At the end of each month, the pad’s content is merged into the XSF Github repository . We are always happy to welcome contributors. Do not hesitate to join the discussion in our Comm-Team group chat (MUC) and thereby help us sustain this as a community effort. You have a project and want to spread the news? Please consider sharing your news or events here, and promote it to a large audience.

    Tasks we do on a regular basis:

    • gathering news in the XMPP universe
    • short summaries of news and events
    • summary of the monthly communication on extensions (XEPs)
    • review of the newsletter draft
    • preparation of media images
    • translations


    This newsletter is published under CC BY-SA license .

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

      This post is public /2022/03/the-xmpp-newsletter-february-2022/

    • Xm chevron_right

      The XMPP Newsletter December 2021 & January 2022 / XMPP • 5 February, 2022 • 9 minutes

    Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter covering the month of December 2021 and January 2022!

    We hope you had a great shift into the new year by now as well as are happy to have you reading the new release! We guess that this episode has caught some weight over the new year’s holidays :-)

    Many projects and their efforts in the XMPP community are a result of people’s voluntary work. If you are happy with the services and software you may be using, especially throughout the current situation, please consider saying thanks or help these projects!

    Read this Newsletter via our RSS Feed !

    Interested in supporting the Newsletter team? Read more at the bottom.

    Other than that — enjoy reading!

    Newsletter translations

    Translations of the XMPP Newsletter will be released here (with some delay):

    Many thanks to the translators and their work! This is a great help to spread the news! Please join them in their work or start over with any another language!

    XSF Announcements

    XSF and Google Summer of Code 2022

    • Blog and newsletter pages at now support multiple languages. We are happy for volunteers to support translating!

    XSF fiscal hosting projects

    The XSF offers fiscal hosting for XMPP projects now! Please apply via Open Collective . For more information, see the announcement blog post .


    XMPP Office Hours - Also, checkout our new YouTube channel !

    Berlin XMPP Meetup (remote) : Monthly Meeting of XMPP Enthusiasts in Berlin - always 2nd Wednesday of the month.


    Thilo Molitor (developer of Monal) held a talk [DE] about Monal’s development.

    XMPP Office Hours: Fabian Sauter presented his adventures in developing an XMPP Client for Windows (Universal Windows Platform (UWP)) in December.

    XMPP has been mentioned in a German public TV [DE] show in the context of data protection.

    Articles released two blog posts. The first details a feature of the project’s Cheogram system that allows SMS users to contact (or call!) any XMPP address. Their Newsletter also announces a partnership with Snikket for hosting, as well as a preview of worldwide calling rates as they prepare to launch that feature soon.

    There are several articles to the topic “messenger” at the German site from “ Freie Messenger ” with a focus on alternatives to WhatsApp, E2EE, interoperability, security/pseudosecurity. Help is welcome, translating the articles to your native language.

    OMEMO was finally integrated in Movim after 6 long years of discussions. In this article Timothée, Movim developer, explains the general OMEMO architecture, the difficulties encountered while working on the integration in Movim and how they overcame them.

    Movim with OMEMO encryption

    As the previously announced collaboration between Snikket and Simply Secure ended its first project, they interviewed the project’s founder, Matthew Wild, about Snikket’s origins and his experience managing open-source projects. Read the interview: On Getting Things Done: A Conversation with Matthew Wild from Snikket .

    Mellium Co-op has published their Year in Review for 2021 and the Dev Communiqué for December 2021 and January 2022 .

    MongooseIM writes about Dynamic XMPP Domains in their solutions

    Andrew Lewman trials various messaging protocols over a congested network, and makes a discovery about XMPP performance in such situations.

    Ravi Dwivedi demonstrates that “freedom and privacy can be convenient too” in their short introduction to the Quicksy Android client

    The German Linux Magazin has been testing free instant messaging clients for Linux in their latest printout and, alongside other messengers, reviewed the Gajim desktop client .

    An analysis of the dangers of misconfigured XMPP servers in this piece about XMPP server security by Bishop Fox.

    vanitasvitae published an article celebrating the 1.0.0 release of PGPainless . PGPainless is a Java library that aims to make using OpenPGP as easy as possible. The project was started in 2018 as a by-product of a Google Summer of Code project of the XMPP Standards Foundation!

    Software news

    Clients and applications

    Gajim development news : Work on Gajim 1.4 is making big steps forward! After nine months of developing Gajim’s new main window, the code was finally ready to be merged into the master branch. This enables automatic builds of nightly versions for Linux and Windows.

    monocles chat (a fork of Conversations and will get OTR support in the next release. The client also only allows connections to XMPP servers with up to date SSL configurations and does not offer fallback SSL connections to avoid data leaks. Nevertheless it is compatible with every current XMPP account.

    Libervia 0.8 “La Cecília” (formerly known as “Salut à Toi”) has been released with a complete OMEMO encrytion finalization for group chats, a new default theme, an easy to use invitation system, a non-standard (XMPP) list feature, photo albums and many technical changes.

    A new stable release of SiskinIM 7.0.1 has been published which includes sending unencrypted messages in single chats with default encryption for OMEMO and presenting automatic file download size limit.


    Openfire 4.7.0 has been released (having their Beta released before). This release is the first non-patch release in more than a year, which brings a healthy amount of new features, as well as bug fixes. Highlights of this release include extensively improved clustering support, particularly around Multi-User Chat functionality, which should benefit high-volume environments. Previously also Openfire 4.5.5 , Openfire 4.6.5 and Openfire 4.6.6 have been released.

    Prosody 0.11.13 has been released. Since December, new Prosody releases brought some fixes to PEP to control memory usage, a security fix that addresses a denial-of-service vulnerability in Prosody’s mod_websocket, and a fix for a memory leak. Previously Prosody 0.11.11 and Prosody 0.11.12 were released, too.

    ejabberd 21.12 has been released. The new ejabberd 21.12 release comes after five months of work, contains more than one hundred changes, many of them are major improvements or features, and several bug fixes: PubSub improvements, new mod_conversejs, and support for MUC Hats ( XEP-0317 ).

    Jackal , an XMPP server written in Go, had version 0.56.0 released.

    Snikket announced their January 2022 server release , this includes a security fix announced earlier in January. The primary new feature in this release is account import/export functionality, the final part of the XMPP account portability project funded by NGI DAPSI.

    XMPP account portability project


    A new XMPP component has been published and could use some feedback. The component implements a webhook transport that lets users (the person hosting the component and anyone they choose to allow) create HTTP endpoints to receive events on and translate those to XMPP messages. Webhook payloads are processed by middleware and the XMPP notifications are template-based and written in EJS . It currently comes with GitLab and plain Git integrations as well as a crude and untested Slack middleware, but it also understands plain text and PNG, JPEG and PDF content, which is sent to subscribers as attachments via HTTP File Upload (XEP-0363) . Find the main repository (no production quality yet) and there is also a demo server available for casual testing.

    Extensions and specifications

    Developers and other standards experts from around the world collaborate on these extensions, developing new specifications for emerging practices, and refining existing ways of doing things. Proposed by anybody, the particularly successful ones end up as Final or Active - depending on their type - while others are carefully archived as Deferred. This life cycle is described in XEP-0001 , which contains the formal and canonical definitions for the types, states, and processes. Read more about the standards process . Communication around Standards and Extensions happens in the Standards Mailing List ( online archive ).


    The XEP development process starts by writing up an idea and submitting it to the XMPP Editor. Within two weeks, the Council decides whether to accept this proposal as an Experimental XEP.

    • Compatibility Fallbacks

      • This document defines a way to indicate that a specific part of the body only serves as fallback and which specification the fallback is for.
    • Call Invites

      • This document defines how to invite someone to a call and how to respond to the invite.
    • PubSub Namespaces

      • This extension defines a new PubSub node attribute to specify the type of payload.
    • Message Replies

      • This document defines a way to indicate that a message is a reply to a previous message.


    • No new XEPs this month.


    If an experimental XEP is not updated for more than twelve months, it will be moved off Experimental to Deferred. If there is another update, it will put the XEP back onto Experimental.

    • No XEPs deferred this month.


    • Version 1.1.0 of XEP-0363 (HTTP File Upload)

      • Filename size in bytes.
      • Headers MUST be included in the PUT request.
      • Headers considered opaque.
      • Servers may want to sign headers, in security implications.
      • Allow header case insensitivity, multiple times the same header, and preserve the order in the HTTP request. (egp, mb)
    • Version 0.4.0 of XEP-0353 (Jingle Message Initiation)

      • Rework whole spec, namespace bump
      • Add new message
      • Add dependency on XEP-0280, XEP-0313 and XEP-0334
      • Add to some messages (tm)
    • Version 1.1.0 of XEP-0459 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2022)

      • Replace deprecated XEP-0411 with XEP-0402 in Advanced Group Chat (egp)
    • Version 0.4.0 of XEP-0380 (Explicit Message Encryption)

      • Add new OMEMO namespaces: ‘urn:xmpp:omemo:1’ for OMEMO versions since 0.4.0 , and ‘urn:xmpp:omemo:2’ for OMEMO versions since 0.8.0 (melvo)

    Last Call

    Last calls are issued once everyone seems satisfied with the current XEP status. After the Council decides whether the XEP seems ready, the XMPP Editor issues a Last Call for comments. The feedback gathered during the Last Call help improving the XEP before returning it to the Council for advancement to Stable.

    • Last Call for comments on XEP-0424 (Message Retraction)
    • Last Call for comments on XEP-0425 (Message Moderation)

    Stable (formerly known as Draft)

    Info: The XSF has decided to rename ‘Draft’ to ‘Stable’. Read more about it here.

    • No XEPs advanced to Stable this month.



    Call for Experience

    A Call For Experience - like a Last Call, is an explicit call for comments, but in this case it’s mostly directed at people who’ve implemented, and ideally deployed, the specification. The Council then votes to move it to Final.

    • No Call for Experience this month.

    Thanks all!

    This XMPP Newsletter is produced collaboratively by the XMPP community.

    Therefore many thanks to Adrien Bourmault (neox), Anoxinon e.V., arne, emus, Goffi, IM, Licaon_Kter, Ludovic Bocquet, MattJ, mdosch, NicFab, Sam Whited, TheCoffeMaker, vanitasvitae, wurstsalat3000 for their support and help in creation, review and translation!

    Many thanks to all contributors and their continuous support!

    Spread the news!

    Please share the news via other networks:

    Find and place job offers and professional consultants in the XMPP job board .

    Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter

    Also check out our RSS Feed !

    Help us to build the newsletter

    We started drafting in this simple pad in parallel to our efforts in the XSF Github repository . We are always happy to welcome contributors. Do not hesitate to join the discussion in our Comm-Team group chat (MUC) and thereby help us sustain this as a community effort. We really need more support!

    You have a project and write about it? Please consider sharing your news or events here, and promote it to a large audience! And even if you can only spend a few minutes of support, these would already be helpful!

    Tasks we do on a regular basis are for example:

    • Aggregation of news in the XMPP universe
    • Short formulation of news and events
    • Summary of the monthly communication on extensions (XEP)
    • Review of the newsletter draft
    • Preparation for media images
    • Translations: especially German, French, Italian and Spanish


    This newsletter is published under CC BY-SA license .

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

      This post is public /2022/02/the-xmpp-newsletter-december-2021-january-2022/

    • Xm chevron_right

      The XMPP Newsletter November 2021 / XMPP • 5 December, 2021 • 8 minutes

    Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter covering the month of November 2021 - the last release for this year! After our editorial break we will be back in February 2022!

    Many projects and their efforts in the XMPP community are a result of people’s voluntary work. If you are happy with the services and software you may be using, especially throughout the current situation, please consider to say thanks or help these projects!

    Read this Newsletter via our RSS Feed !

    Interested in supporting the Newsletter team? Read more at the bottom.

    Other than that — enjoy reading!

    Newsletter translations

    Translations of the XMPP Newsletter will be released here (with some delay):

    Many thanks to the translators and their work! This is a great help to spread the news! Please join them in their work or start over with any another language!

    XSF Announcements

    • The XSF members have to elected their new XSF Board and XSF Council ! Congratulations to everyone!

    • The XSF offers fiscal hosting for XMPP projects now! Please apply via Open Collective . For more information, see the announcement blog post .

      • Moreover, the XSF has accepted its first project to the fiscal hosting program! A big welcome to the MAM Plugin for XMPP.js (note that this is unaffiliated with the upstream xmpp.js project)! They will be working on adding MAM support to xmpp.js with the eventual goal of adding it to the Matrix Bifrost bridge, allowing XMPP users to fetch history from their favorite Matrix channels. You can donate to the effort here .
    • The XSF is planning to participate the Google Summer of Code 2022 (GSoC). If you are interested in participating as a student, mentor or as project in general please add your ideas and reach out to us !

    • Blog and newsletter pages at now support multiple languages. We are happy for volunteers to support translating!


    XMPP Office Hours - Also, checkout our new YouTube channel !

    Berlin XMPP Meetup (remote) : Monthly Meeting of XMPP Enthusiasts in Berlin - always 2nd Wednesday of the month.


    Sam Whited gave a talk for the XMPP Office Hours about the XSF’s new fiscal hosting service!

    Guest talk at Berlin XMPP Meetup: Diving deep into Briar at the XMPP Meetup Berlin


    PeerTube Live Chat is using XMPP : Give your instance’s audience the ability to chat during live streams!

    Using XMPP instead of ActivityPub? Well, openEngiadina decided to do so !

    Missed for the September ‘21 newsletter, Nicholas A. Ferrell has written about their transition to XMPP for SMS communication via .

    Nicola Fabiano is back with another article about why they chose XMPP, and more specifically hosting Snikket to have control over personal information . Article also available in Italian

    Take Back Our Tech has started a series of articles (and companion video podcasts) about “XMPP: A Comeback Story”. First one is called A 20 Year Old Messaging Protocol For Robust, Private and Decentralized Communications and covers the ‘ecosystem’ of apps and servers with a quick starting guide. The second one continues with Making Anonymous Phone Calls & Texts With JMP.Chat .

    Niklas of asks (in German) “Is the free software community losing its values?”, wondering how come participation in free software discussions can no longer take place without using non-free software. Read the full article to find out why this matters and what solution exists already.

    The blog had two small updates, a guide on How to Subscribe Using Movim and an update about the official ways to communicate with the community and about the upcoming app (with dialer integration).

    Software news

    Clients and applications

    Gajim Development News : Annoyed of spam messages in public channels? Gajim just gained support for Message Moderation. Also this month: better message corrections and improved notifications.

    Gajim Message Moderation

    xmpp-dns was released in version 0.2.2 , a minor update that added the possibility to fall back on testing default ports if no XMPP SRV records are provided by the server.

    UWPX was released in version . This release updates the OMEMO implementation from 0.7.0 (2020-09-05) to 0.8.1 (2021-10-07) and includes a bunch of OMEMO related bug fixes.

    SiskinIM version 7.0 was released. It’s a major release with support for XEP-0333 Chat Markers , location sharing and improved UI/UX, fetching history, cache handling and push improvements alongside number of bugfixes.

    BeagleIM version 5.0 was released. It’s a major release with support for XEP-0333 Chat Markers , screen, voice-messages and location sharing, improved UI/UX, fetching history and much more.

    Libervia (formerly “Salut à Toi”) 0.8 “La Cecília” has been released . Libervia is a multi-frontends client with social features such as blogging, photo albums, events organisation, etc. This release is a big milestone, preparing the field to make Libervia a great fit for family and friends focused social networks.

    A new major version of Converse.js is out after three months of development, version 9.0.0 brings compressed avatars, new media render settings and a lot of bugfixes. Admins should read the release notes and update their deployments.

    The new Converse.js version also got updated in the inVerse plugin version for the Openfire server , and should appear in the instance updates list.


    The new Snikket server update comes with improvements for the user interaction on iOS, an increased file sharing limit, resource monitoring and better account management!

    MongooseIM 5.0 was released on 7th October! What’s new? Dynamic XMPP domains, improved documentation, multiple bug fixes and more. Virtual hosting XMPP domains was already possible with MongooseIM, but dynamic domains make it possible to add new domains without restarting the server - and to add a lot of them! Load tests with up to 100k users have shown that now there’s practically no difference between all the users connecting to a single domain and all of them connecting to 100k domains - that is one domain per user - yes, it’s that flexible!


    The Mellium Dev Communiqué for November2021 has been released! This month work mostly focused on the carbons package and on creating a re-usable test suite that other libraries can import to test message styling .

    Openfire Smack publish version 4.4.4 as patch level release !

    Extensions and specifications

    Developers and other standards experts from around the world collaborate on these extensions, developing new specifications for emerging practices, and refining existing ways of doing things. Proposed by anybody, the particularly successful ones end up as Final or Active - depending on their type - while others are carefully archived as Deferred. This life cycle is described in XEP-0001 , which contains the formal and canonical definitions for the types, states, and processes. Read more about the standards process . Communication around Standards and Extensions happens in the Standards Mailing List ( online archive ).


    The XEP development process starts by writing up an idea and submitting it to the XMPP Editor. Within two weeks, the Council decides whether to accept this proposal as an Experimental XEP.

    • No XEPs proposed this month.


    • No new XEPs this month.


    If an experimental XEP is not updated for more than twelve months, it will be moved off Experimental to Deferred. If there is another update, it will put the XEP back onto Experimental.

    • No XEPs deferred this month.


    • Version 0.2.0 of XEP-0459 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2022)
      • Rename Advanced Server and Advanced Client to Server and Client
      • Add XEP-0455 to Future Development section (sp)

    Last Call

    Last calls are issued once everyone seems satisfied with the current XEP status. After the Council decides whether the XEP seems ready, the XMPP Editor issues a Last Call for comments. The feedback gathered during the Last Call help improving the XEP before returning it to the Council for advancement to Stable.

    • No Last Call this month.

    Stable (formerly known as Draft)

    Info: The XSF has decided to rename ‘Draft’ to ‘Stable’. Read more about it here.

    • Version 1.0.0 of XEP-0459 (XMPP Compliance Suites 2022)

      • Advance to Stable as per Council Vote from 2021-11-03. (XEP Editor (jsc))
    • Version 1.0.0 of XEP-0313 (Message Archive Management)

      • Advance to Stable as per Council Vote from 2021-10-27. (XEP Editor (jsc))


    • No XEP deprecated this month.

    Call for Experience

    A Call For Experience - like a Last Call, is an explicit call for comments, but in this case it’s mostly directed at people who’ve implemented, and ideally deployed, the specification. The Council then votes to move it to Final.

    • No Call for Experience this month.

    Thanks all!

    This XMPP Newsletter is produced collaboratively by the XMPP community.

    Therefore many thanks to xdelatour, wurstsalat3000, seveso, palm123, Nicola Fabiano, mdosch, MattJ, Licaon_Kter, Goffi, erszcz, emus, Benoît Sibaud, Anoxinon e.V., Adrien Bourmault (neox) for their support and help in creation, review and translation!

    Many thanks to all contributors this year and their continuous support!

    Spread the news!

    Please share the news via other networks:

    Find and place job offers in the XMPP job board .

    Subscribe to the monthly XMPP newsletter

    Also check out our RSS Feed !

    Help us to build the newsletter

    We started drafting in this simple pad in parallel to our efforts in the XSF Github repository . We are always happy to welcome contributors. Do not hesitate to join the discussion in our Comm-Team group chat (MUC) and thereby help us sustain this as a community effort. We really need more support!

    You have a project and write about it? Please consider sharing your news or events here, and promote it to a large audience! And even if you can only spend a few minutes of support, these would already be helpful!

    Tasks we do on a regular basis are for example:

    • Aggregation of news in the XMPP universe
    • Short formulation of news and events
    • Summary of the monthly communication on extensions (XEP)
    • Review of the newsletter draft
    • Preparation for media images
    • Translations: especially German, French, Italian and Spanish


    This newsletter is published under CC BY-SA license .

    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

      This post is public /2021/12/the-xmpp-newsletter-november-2021/