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      Salesforce acquires Slack for $27.7 billion

      Samuel Axon · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 1 December, 2020 - 22:37

    Slack is evaporating into the Salesforce cloud, you could say.

    Enlarge / Slack is evaporating into the Salesforce cloud, you could say. (credit: Aurich Lawson)

    Salesforce, a cloud-services company that targets businesses, has announced that it will acquire workplace communication service Slack for $27.7 billion. The announcement follows a week of rumors and a steep bump in Slack's value on the stock market in anticipation of the deal being made official.

    Neither company has yet announced in any detail what this will mean for users and customers. Salesforce is sure to include Slack in some of its broader bundles an to more tightly integrate it with its other software services "Slack will be deeply integrated into every Salesforce Cloud," and will become "the new interface for Salesforce Customer 360," the press release says.

    But anything else beyond that is speculation at this point. New features and development priorities or adjusted pricing models are possibilities, but we also don't yet know when any user-relevant changes related to this acquisition will actually take place, either.

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