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      Marjane Satrapi: «Nous sommes tous chez nous en France»

      news.movim.eu / Mediapart · Saturday, 6 July - 15:47

    La réalisatrice franco-iranienne lance un appel aux cinéastes étrangers pour contrer les idées d’extrême droite dans un film collectif. Elle invite aussi toutes celles et ceux d’origine étrangère à se mettre en grève pour que la France réalise leur apport essentiel.
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      www.mediapart.fr /journal/france/060724/marjane-satrapi-nous-sommes-tous-chez-nous-en-france

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      «Je ne crois pas en la politique»: avec les abstentionnistes des quartiers populaires de Marseille

      news.movim.eu / Mediapart · Saturday, 6 July - 14:14

    De Frais-Vallon à La Capelette, en passant par La Rose et Les Néréides, notre partenaire Marsactu est allé à la rencontre des personnes qui ne sont pas allées voter, dans ces quartiers où le désintérêt pour l’élection est prégnant. Témoignages, entre colère et désillusions.
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      www.mediapart.fr /journal/france/060724/je-ne-crois-pas-en-la-politique-avec-les-abstentionnistes-des-quartiers-populaires-de-marseille

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      France set up Spain semi but Mbappé and Griezmann issues remain

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July - 13:40

    Saliba and Camavinga came out from the Portugal game with high marks but the midfield is still not working

    By Luke Entwistle for Get French Football News

    Once again Didier Deschamps made changes, once again they had a negligible effect, once again France advanced – rinse and repeat. That is the story of Les Bleus’ Euros so far as they played to type in their latest victory, over Portugal, on penalties.

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      French Jewish people conflicted over voting choices amid antisemitism fears

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July - 13:39

    Many say they feel stuck in middle between far-right National Rally and hard-left France Unbowed

    As France faces a high-stakes second round of elections on Sunday , French Jewish people say they are grappling with tough choices and feel caught between extremes amid concerns about rising antisemitism.

    As part of her longstanding efforts to detoxify the image of the far-right National Rally (RN) – currently leading in opinion polls – Marine Le Pen, to the incredulity of many, has sought to present herself as a friend of Jewish people and Israel.

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      ‘We want our peace’: why is France’s far-right support such a rural affair?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July - 11:30

    Media rhetoric about migrants and crime is rallying support for the National Rally in the countryside but, say city folk, the reality is different

    Flanked by fields of corn and tree-lined ponds, the regular rumbling of planes in the distance is the only hint of Colombier-Saugnieu’s proximity to the bustling metropolis of Lyon.

    But in recent days journalists from the city have begun traipsing out to the tiny commune, population 2,500, in hopes of better understanding a dynamic seemingly at play in the country’s snap parliamentary elections: the sharp divide when it comes to voters in rural and urban areas.

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      Élections : comment sont calculés les résultats de 20 heures ?

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 6 July - 10:24

    Jusqu'à 20 heures le dimanche d'un scrutin, les médias français n'ont pas le droit de communiquer les dernières tendances sur les élections législatives. Ils peuvent ensuite donner de premiers pré-résultats, censés indiquer la direction choisie. Comment les calcule-t-on ? S'agit-il de vrais résultats ou de sondages ?

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      Didier Fassin: «La xénophobie du RN nourrit son programme de santé publique»

      news.movim.eu / Mediapart · Saturday, 6 July - 10:07

    Le Rassemblement national, par son programme basé sur la préférence nationale, menace la santé physique autant que mentale de centaines de milliers de personnes en France, et, in fine, la santé et la sécurité publique de tous et toutes, rappelle le chercheur Didier Fassin.
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      www.mediapart.fr /journal/france/060724/didier-fassin-la-xenophobie-du-rn-nourrit-son-programme-de-sante-publique

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      Moulin Rouge in Paris celebrates installation of new windmill sails

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July - 09:15

    Cabaret club’s sails collapsed in April and new ones are up in time for Olympic torch to pass by on 15 July

    Paris’s Moulin Rouge cabaret club, whose landmark windmill sails fell down in April, has inaugurated a new set, a week before the Olympic torch was due to pass by the venue.

    The home of the can-can was temporarily laid low after the sails of the red-painted windmill tumbled to the ground in the early hours of 25 April.

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      The French republic is under threat. We are 1,000 historians and we cannot remain silent | Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July - 06:00

    We implore voters not to turn their backs on our nation’s history. Go out and defeat the far right in Sunday’s vote

    For the first time since the second world war, the far right is at the gates of power in France. As historians from differing political backgrounds who share an attachment to democratic values and the rule of law, we cannot remain silent in the face of an alarming prospect that we still have the capacity to resist.

    Despite a superficial makeover , the National Rally (RN) remains fundamentally the successor and heir of the National Front, founded in 1972 by people nostalgic for Vichy and French Algeria.

    This article first appeared in French in Le Monde

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