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      A Kentucky mining disaster killed dozens and destroyed homes. Will a lawsuit bring change?

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 27 March - 17:46

    Chase Hays and more than 50 neighbors are suing Blackhawk Mining after a silt retention pond burst and killed 43 people

    Chase Hays knew it was time to evacuate when he saw his neighbor’s home float through his front yard. It was just after midnight on 28 July 2022, and Lost Creek, Kentucky, was experiencing a catastrophic rainstorm .

    As Hays would later learn, the rains caused a silt retention pond to burst at a nearby mine, sending a torrent of rainwater and sediment down the mountain.

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      Extreme heat summit to urge leaders to act on threat from rising temperatures

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 27 March - 11:37

    IFRC and USAid staging conference to draw attention to risks and share best practice in disaster alerts and response

    Two of the world’s biggest aid agencies will host an inaugural global summit on extreme heat on Thursday as directors warn that the climate crisis is dramatically increasing the probability of a mass-fatality heat disaster.

    The conference will highlight some of the pioneering work being done, from tree-planting projects to the development of roof coverings that reduce indoor temperatures.

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      Secondhand clothing on track to take 10% of global fashion sales

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 27 March - 10:00

    Cost of living crisis and sustainability concerns drive shoppers towards ‘pre-loved’ garments as older buyers join in

    Secondhand clothing sales are on track to make up a tenth of the global fashion market next year, as the cost of living crisis and concerns over sustainability drives consumers towards “pre-loved” garments.

    Global sales of pre-owned clothes surged by 18% last year to $197bn (£156bn) and are forecast to reach $350bn in 2028, according to a report by GlobalData for resale specialist ThredUp. The landmark is expected to be reached a year later than predicted, as global growth remains slightly behind previous estimates.

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      ‘Everybody has a breaking point’: how the climate crisis affects our brains

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Wednesday, 27 March - 05:00 · 1 minute

    Are growing rates of anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, Alzheimer’s and motor neurone disease related to rising temperatures and other extreme environmental changes?

    In late October 2012, a category 3 hurricane howled into New York City with a force that would etch its name into the annals of history . Superstorm Sandy transformed the city, inflicting more than $60bn in damage, killing dozens, and forcing 6,500 patients to be evacuated from hospitals and nursing homes. Yet in the case of one cognitive neuroscientist, the storm presented, darkly, an opportunity.

    Yoko Nomura had found herself at the centre of a natural experiment. Prior to the hurricane’s unexpected visit, Nomura – who teaches in the psychology department at Queens College, CUNY, as well as in the psychiatry department of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – had meticulously assembled a research cohort of hundreds of expectant New York mothers. Her investigation, the Stress in Pregnancy study , had aimed since 2009 to explore the potential imprint of prenatal stress on the unborn. Drawing on the evolving field of epigenetics, Nomura had sought to understand the ways in which environmental stressors could spur changes in gene expression, the likes of which were already known to influence the risk of specific childhood neurobehavioural outcomes such as autism, schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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      Increasing levels of humidity are here to make heat waves even worse

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 28 July, 2023 - 11:30 · 1 minute

    A tourist refreshes at a vapor barrier in Budapest, Hungary, on July 16, 2023.

    Enlarge / A tourist refreshes at a vapor barrier in Budapest, Hungary, on July 16, 2023. (credit: Arpad Kurucz/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images )

    Because you’re a smooth-skinned mammal, no weather feels quite as oppressive as a humid heat wave. The more water vapor in the air, the less efficiently your sweat can evaporate and carry excess heat away from your skin. That’s why 90° Fahrenheit in humid Miami can feel as bad as 110° in arid Phoenix .

    Climate change has supercharged this summer’s exceptionally brutal heat all around the world —heat waves are generally getting more frequent, more intense, and longer. But they are also getting more humid in some regions, which helps extend high temperatures through daytime peaks and into the night. Such relentless, sticky heat is not just uncomfortable, but sometimes deadly, especially for folks with health conditions like cardiovascular disease.


    One of the more counterintuitive effects of climate change is that a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor than a colder one. A lot of it, in fact: Each 1.8° Fahrenheit bump of warming adds 7 percent more moisture to the air. Overall, atmospheric water vapor is increasing by 1 to 2 percent per decade . That additional wetness is why we’re already seeing supersize downpours, like the flooding that devastated Vermont earlier this month .

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      Facebook’s climate science portal probably won’t stem flood of denialism

      Kate Cox · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Wednesday, 16 September, 2020 - 15:06

    This is fine.

    Enlarge / This is fine. (credit: Aurich Lawson / Getty Images)

    Facebook this week implemented yet another new initiative meant to combat rampant, dangerous disinformation on the platform—this time, relating to the climate crisis. Unfortunately this initiative, like countless others before it, seems likely to generate positive headlines for about a week before disappearing unremarked into obscurity, solving exactly zero of Facebook's deeper problems along the way.

    "One of the biggest lessons we have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is how powerful Facebook can be for connecting people to accurate, expert advice and information during a global crisis," Facebook wrote in a corporate blog post . To that end, Facebook is launching a new "Climate Change Information Center" module and landing page that will, in theory, connect users to up-to-date, fact-based information grounded in reality.

    Users in the US and a small handful of other countries may already have seen a notification about the new climate information center appear in their newsfeeds this week, either on desktop or on mobile. The green box implores you by name to "see how our climate is changing."

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      Trump admin. finally kills off Obama-era rule limiting methane emissions

      Kate Cox · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 14 August, 2020 - 18:44

    A natural gas flare from an offshore oil drilling rig in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

    Enlarge / A natural gas flare from an offshore oil drilling rig in Cook Inlet, Alaska. (credit: Paul Souders | Getty Images )

    The Environmental Protection Agency this week finalized a rule that kills off Obama-era limitations on how much methane, a potent greenhouse gas, oil and natural gas producers are allowed to emit into the atmosphere—even though industry leaders didn't want the changes.

    The changes to the rules, known as the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), remove some segments of the industry from being covered under the existing standards at all, and these changes also lift the methane caps on other segments, the EPA announced on Thursday.

    The oil and gas industry basically splits into three big buckets of activity: upstream, meaning the actual drilling for oil or gas; midstream, which is the world of storage and pipelines; and downstream, that last mile where products are refined and sold. The current changes apply to the downstream and midstream segments, as the EPA broke down in a graphic ( PDF ).

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