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      For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack out now

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Thursday, 11 February, 2021 - 09:18 · 1 minute

    For The King: Lost Civilization Adventure Pack is the first ever expansion to For The King, a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG styled combat, and roguelike elements.

    Released originally back in 2018, For The King is actually really good and its certainly a game that deserved to have a whole lot more content to play through. Popular too, as they confirmed they've now seen over 3 million players (although that is across all platforms).

    "This hard-as-nails fantasy experience melds challenging turn-based combat, deep roleplaying game progression and procedurally generated maps, quests and events to ensure no playthrough is the same. This potent gameplay mix is matched with a captivating artstyle and options for players to tackle the campaign on their own or in co-op with friends."

    This Lost Civilization Adventure Pack gives you a brand new Jungle Falls zone, two new playable character classes and lots more. Check out the trailer below:

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    What to expect from it:

    • Explore the lost Jungle Falls Realm - A lush jungle forest beckons adventurers to explore its dense wood, but what dangers lurk under its thick mysterious canopy?
    • Two New Playable Characters - Go on the offensive with the glory-seeking Gladiator or harness dark energy from the heavens with the wise Astronomer!
    • Spectacular Arena Battles - For Glory! Defeat waves of enemies before a cheering crowd in the new gladiator arenas.
    • New Weapons - Throw caution to the wind with devastating dual-wield weapons or gamble on the destructive power of the versatile wands.
    • New Enemies and Loot - More than 90 new items closely guarded by over 50 new enemies. From giant snakes to petrifying golems, the rewards are great but the stakes are even higher.

    You can pick up a copy from Humble Store or Steam , the Linux version is not on GOG .

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      qomp is a brilliant example of minimalist mechanics and a fantastic idea

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 5 February, 2021 - 19:39 · 1 minute

    In the game qomp you are the ball, the ball that has been thrown around games like Pong for a very long time and you've had enough - it's time to escape. Note : personal purchase.

    qomp is a small game about freedom. It won't take you long to get through, it's not complicated and it's absolutely brilliant. Using a single button, you will be changing the direction of the ball to get through various different challenges and overcome several different game mechanics. It really doesn't look or sound like much but its one of those times were the simplicity makes it so good.

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    For a game that has nothing but a single button and the same main mechanic all the way through, as you click click click to constantly change direction and avoid all sorts of hazards - it's surprisingly atmospheric. It gives off dungeon vibes with the camera effect and dark colouring, along with the pumping music to keep you going.

    Difficult too. I've cursed at my screen and my slow clicking ability numerous times while bouncing through the various levels it offers. It's a good test of reaction timing and your ability to think quickly often, as well as understanding how the angles of everything you're bouncing off will affect your ball trajectory to plan ahead. I'm really not joking on the difficulty of some parts of it, I even held my breath a few times and hoped for a bit of luck. No punishments here though, just go back to a checkpoint and click around around and see if you can bounce to safety.

    I will admit to the below section kicking my butt for a while but it shows the great design work that went into it.

    So close!

    You're an escaped pong ball trying to escape to freedom, what more could you want for a few hours? Honestly I think it's absolutely brilliant and well worth picking up.

    A finely polished experience you won't forget.

    You can buy it on itch.io and Steam .

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      Rogue Star Rescue is a fun mix of twin-stick bullet-hell and tower defence out now

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 5 February, 2021 - 15:46 · 1 minute

    Released out of Early Access as a full game on February 4, Rogue Star Rescue blends together a furiously good mix of twin-stick bullet-hell action with tower defence. Note : copy personally purchased.

    A game we've never covered here before and were completely unaware of it until the full release, which is a shame because it deserves a bit more attention. Featuring a non-linear story-mode along with local and online co-op options, there's a lot to like about it with the fast-paced action.

    The story? The Rogue Star. A massive Rogue Star has formed from the cosmos and is on a direct collision path with us! It threatens to vaporize everything. Leaders from planets around the galaxy have assembled a top team of fighters to stop the Rogue Star at all costs. Choose your own non-linear path through the galaxy and explore each of the 10+ planets carefully.

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    It really is a curious blend that works somewhat like Orcs Must Die in 2D with a little more exploration. You pick between different planets to try and save, making a few decision along the way that will affect the outcome. During each mission you explore, take down enemies, find resources and traps and then eventually it turns into a wave-based tower defence game where you need to deal with lots of enemies coming through and a mini-boss. You need to manage your inventory, upgrade traps as you progress and pick between different playable characters to get you through.

    There's also some persistent progress too with a level up system. You can put attribute points into health, speed, traps and more. Since it's a twin-stick shooter at the core, there's also a decent variety in the weapons you will be using with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    Absolutely loads to love about it and it really hits that satisfying over the top action feeling.

    You can buy it on Humble Store , itch.io and Steam .

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      Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, EndeavourOS 2021.02.03 and Solus 4.2 out now

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 5 February, 2021 - 11:40 · 1 minute

    Multiple Linux distributions all had a brand new release in the space of week with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, EndeavourOS 2021.02.03 and Solus 4.2 all out now for downloads and upgrades.

    For Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS , this is the latest point release which gives a refresh for new downloads bundling all the updates since the initial release, and additionally bumps up a bunch of package versions for everyone. It brings in a brand new HWE stack (Hardware Enablement) that will bump the Linux Kernel from 5.4 to 5.8 and newer Mesa 20.2.6 graphics drivers, so that means better support for newer hardware. All users should get the HWE updates by default now too .


    All the Ubuntu flavours that come with different desktop environments also saw updated releases including Kubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, Ubuntu Budgie 20.04.2 LTS, Ubuntu MATE 20.04.2 LTS, Lubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, Ubuntu Kylin 20.04.2 LTS, Ubuntu Studio 20.04.2 LTS, and Xubuntu 20.04.2 LTS.

    Download Ubuntu here and see the release announcement here .

    When it comes to my own personal current choice with EndeavourOS 2021.02.03 , it's a bit different. EndeavourOS is just Arch Linux which updates as much as you want it to, with a nice installer and a few custom bits so it's always up to date. However, their installation media was from September 2020 so it was seriously out of date so this is a huge upgrade for anyone downloading first time.


    The main updates for this will be:

    • Linux Kernel 5.10.11.arch1-1
    • Mesa 20.3.4-1
    • Nvidia 460.39-2
    • Firefox 85.0-1
    • Calamares 3.2.34-10
    • Live environment and offline install updated to Xfce 4.16

    Release notes for EndeavorOS here and download here .

    Lastly, Solus 4.2 is also out now bringing with it the usual assortment of updates to various desktop environments, software updates and support for newer hardware. It's now shipping with Linux Kernel 5.10.12 and the Mesa 20.3.3 graphics drivers. Some multimedia updates included too like GStreamer 1.18 and Pulseaudio 14.1.

    Solus is also interesting as they also have their own custom desktop environment with Budgie, with Solus 4.2 now shipping with the latest Budgie 10.5.2 which has numerous enhancements like a new desktop icons implementation, a rewritten system tray implementation, a redesigned sound applet and more.


    Solus is also now shipping with the latest GNOME 3.38.3, MATE 1.24, Plasma Desktop 5.20.5, KDE Frameworks 5.78, KDE Applications 20.12.1 and QT 5.15.2.

    You can download Solus 4.2 here and see the release notes here .

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      In need of a good interactive story? Sarawak is out now

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Wednesday, 3 February, 2021 - 11:42 · 1 minute

    Love to curl up with a good book? Sarawak from Cowleyfornia Studios LLP is out now and it looks fantastic.

    Text-based adventures might not be the most flashy genre but, depending on where you look, they're very much alive and well with plenty releasing all the time. Sarawak is a delightful piece of interactive fiction, so you're playing out a mystery game set in Oxford and Borneo.

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    "Through dialogue choices, you interact with a whimsical cast of characters who help or hinder your progress. The more you unravel, the more conflicted you become as you start to question who's lying and who's telling the truth."

    The developer mentioned it will appeal to people who enjoyed the likes of 80 Days, A Case of Distrust, LucasArts adventure games or Agatha Christie novels. While a text-based novel it's not all reading though, as it's very much like a visual novel with you picking answers and it also blends in some creative puzzle solving with discovering secrets, opening locks and doors, hacking into police equipment and more so it plays like a mix of things.

    Visually, Sarawak is actually quite wonderful with it's soft pastel colouring that looks like it was all done on paper. The simple styling helpfully enables your mind to wander off a bit into the setting, just like you actually would while reading a good real-paper novel. What I especially liked about it is how each scene was setup on the technical side, as it just keeps on scrolling down giving you a chance to go back up to any point in the current scene you need to. This allowed me to really get into it, and for people whose English reading perhaps isn't the best - it would allow more to enjoy it I think.


    Sarawak is a great experience to sit back with a coffee as you get pulled into the mystery surrounding the story.

    You can buy Sarawak on Steam and itch.io .

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      Free social deduction hacking game Untrusted enters Early Access

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Saturday, 30 January, 2021 - 13:36 · 1 minute

    After a new online experience to play with friends and one that's free to play? Untrusted is a new social deduction hacking game with two sides facing off. Now available in Early Access, developer evolvedlabs plans to keep it there until Q2/Q3 this year so they can thoroughly test it with players.

    Inspired by the likes of Werewolf / Mafia and other similar types of games with support for 10 to 16 players to join a game online. The idea is that hackers from the fictional NETSEC group are tasked in hacking a specific server on a computer network, while there's a few AGENTS try to arrest them or convincing players to snitch on others. There's a few ways to each side to win and it sounds quite interesting.

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    Feature Highlight:

    • Hacking themed game focused on social interactions.
    • Hack into computers and analyze their log to find out who is telling the truth
    • Keep your personal log and cross-reference data to find out who are the undercover agents
    • Multiple winning conditions for both factions: hack or murder your way to victory.
    • 2 Factions and many neutral classes
    • 22 Unique classes
    • More than 70 unique skills
    • Unlock avatars and badges as you win

    Find it free on Steam .

    The developer added in an official GamingOnLinux avatar, so you can show off a bit if you wish. This needs to be done by redeeming a special code and we have lots to give away for you below:


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      The Machinery game engine adds Linux support in Preview

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 29 January, 2021 - 18:22 · 1 minute

    The Machinery, an upcoming game engine from people who previously worked on the likes of Stingray, Bitsquid, and Diesel engines released a new build with the first Preview of Linux support.

    Joining the ranks of many game engines to offer it including Defold, Godot Engine, Unity, Unreal, Ren'Py and a great many more that would take too long to list. The team behind The Machinery certainly know what they're doing, given their previous work like Bitsquid / Stingray was used for some big games like Helldivers and Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide and more.

    It's currently in Open Beta with the January 2021 (version 2021.1) going live that adds in (amongst other things) support for Linux in a Preview state.

    Unlike other game engines, The Machinery seems to be selling itself on developers who want a ton of configuration. The developers mention about how it's "completely plugin-based" so you pick and choose all the parts of it you want to extend the editor and the engine as you see fit.

    For the Linux release, the developer showed off how to get quickly and up and running keeping in mind this is the first public Linux release so it's nowhere near finished.

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    As for licensing, it doesn't appear to be open source and their website has no clear licensing information I could find. Use of the Beta needs you to agree to an EULA.

    Highlights of the new release include:

    • Linux Support (Preview) — The Machinery now runs on Linux.
    • Bindless GPU Resource Management — Better performance in Vulkan backend.
    • Raytracing Support (Preview) — Preview of our raytracing APIs.
    • Asset Labels — Tag assets for better organization.

    See more on their website .

    For a more thorough introduction to it, you can see their previous older video:

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      Tough city-building strategy game As Far As The Eye now supported on Linux

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 29 January, 2021 - 17:56 · 1 minute

    As Far As The Eye is a strategy game that has you build a city, while also making you constantly move on before the world becomes submerged. It's tough and it's now available on Linux.

    Developed by Unexpected with publishing from Goblinz Studio, Maple Whispering Limited it brings together city building, procedural generation and a whole lot of planning ahead. With limited resources and time against you, there's a constant need to prepare for the worst. This is no Civilization game and certainly not Cities Skylines either, this is a whole new breed. Originally released in September 2020, as of January 26 2021 it now supports Linux.

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    It's definitely among the more interesting build and gather strategy games thanks to both the unique gameplay loop and the absolutely charming visual style to it. Seriously, As Far As The Eye is really quite beautifully designed graphically. The UI is a bit difficult to manage at times but the overall artwork is fantastic.

    What's also interesting about As Far As The Eye is that you also have no enemies to fight here, it's you and your tribe against the might of nature itself and the looping huge storm that seems to keep happening so you're trying to get to the Eye which appears to be the only safe haven.

    Feature Highlight:

    • Plan the best path for your tribe to take in order to go as far as the Eye.
    • Explore, analyze and search places of interest for long lost treasures on a procedurally generated journey.
    • Harvest, build, stock and leave your halt before the wave engulfs your tribe.
    • Improve your pupils through the job system, your buildings through the improvement system and your whole tribe through Tribe's Knowledge.
    • Survive dire conditions and protect the Pupils against random events.
    • Meet allies, negotiate for resources, recruit new Pupils and more!
    • Make offerings in Sacred Sites or plunder them, but never forget you'll have to bear the consequences of your actions .
    • Live a peaceful adventure as there are no enemies in As Far As The Eye
    • Relive a new adventure each time thanks to our Roguelike tribe system

    You can buy As Far As The Eye from GOG , Humble Store and Steam .

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      Civilization VI Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack out now

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Friday, 29 January, 2021 - 17:29 · 1 minute

    Joining the list of DLC available for Civilization VI as part of the New Frontier Pass is the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack that's now available with a big game update. Available to buy individually like the rest of the packs, or buy the New Frontier Pass to get access to all of them.

    In addition to the new civilization and leaders details below, there's also the big new "Monopolies and Corporations" game mode. The whole idea here is to create industry around luxury resources to get powerful buffs, and eventually turn them into a full corporation to create products. If you manage to dominate a luxury resource you get a monopoly, which then gives addition tourism and gold. The idea of the mode is to give a little more fun and depth to the resources.

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    As for Kublai Khan, here's their details:

    • Leader Unique Ability: Kublai Khan’s unique ability, “Gerege,” provides one extra Economic policy slot in any government. It also grants a random Eureka and Inspiration when establishing a Trading Post in another civilization’s city for the first time.
    • As a leader of China, Kublai Khan’s science boosts are even more powerful, and his extra policy slot empowers economic strategies. As a leader of Mongolia, Kublai Khan leverages trade routes for military might.

    Up next is a major free update for everyone which is due out likely during February, and then the final DLC as part of the New Frontier Pass in March. After that? Not a clue, perhaps a whole new game?

    You can buy Civilization VI with Linux support from Humble Store and Steam .

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