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      Nintendo’s new translation tune? What a Fire Emblem re-release means in 2020

      Sam Machkovech · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 22 October, 2020 - 16:55 · 1 minute

    Nintendo's latest surprise announcement hinges on a different anniversary than the usual mascots like Mario, Link, and Pikachu: It's for Fire Emblem, the turn-based strategy series that launched exclusively in Japan in 1990. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the game's first 8-bit adventure is getting the re-release treatment, either as a basic digital version or with a deluxe, physical collection of booklets, maps, and more.

    But there's a funny thing about Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light . This 8-bit re-release has some emulation-like tweaks and perks, but this is otherwise not a remake. Up until now, its text-filled Famicom version never got an official translation and release for Western audiences. And unlike the rare cases where Nintendo produced, then shelved, a translated version of a Japanese game, this first Fire Emblem game was never advertised or teased to Western fans.

    In any other year, we might look at this delightful throwback to a classic, Japan-only Nintendo game and briefly give the whole thing a thumbs up. But 2020 has been a weird one for Nintendo, so I'm tempted to take a closer look and ask: Is this a sign of more unearthed translations to come?

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      J’ai joué à Mario Kart en réalité augmentée, pour le plus grand plaisir de mon chat

      Maxime Claudel · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 15 October, 2020 - 08:41

    Si Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit est convaincant, c'est parce qu'il reste avant tout un Mario Kart. La surcouche de réalité augmentée n'est pas qu'un simple faire-valoir et sert une expérience ludique globalement séduisante. [Lire la suite]

    Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour ne manquer aucune vidéo !

    L'article J’ai joué à Mario Kart en réalité augmentée, pour le plus grand plaisir de mon chat est apparu en premier sur Numerama .

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      Nintendo forces rebranding for adult entertainer “Pokeprincxss”

      Kyle Orland · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 13 October, 2020 - 15:45 · 1 minute


    Enlarge / Here's hoping Nintendo doesn't also consider those tattoos an infringement on its intellectual property. (credit: DigitalPrincess/Tiktok )

    Nintendo has issued a cease-and-desist order against a popular social media influencer for using Pokémon branding and imagery in her handle and products. But while the influencer formerly known as "Pokeprincxss" acknowledges her legal mistakes, she also feels she has been targeted by Nintendo for a very specific reason.

    "Nintendo doesn't want people to think I'm in any way, shape or form affiliated with them or that I have a partnership with them, and it all comes down to me being an adult entertainer," the now-renamed "Digitalprincxss" says in a recent YouTube video addressing the issue. "Even though there are other people with 'Poke' in their name and they make money off it... I think it just literally has to do with me being an adult entertainer because they aren't adult entertainers."

    Digitalprincxss boasts 1.9 million followers on Tiktok and significant followings on other public social media accounts . But she also hosts a subscription-based OnlyFans page, which charges $17 a month and promises "access to all my NSFW photos/videos that I post daily" and "uncensored content that I usually tease you with both on Instagram/Twitter."

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      Nintendo’s Lawyers Nuke ‘The Missing Link’ Fangame With Copyright Complaint

      Andy Maxwell · news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Tuesday, 13 October, 2020 - 09:08 · 2 minutes

    The Missing Link With a video game history dating back decades, Nintendo is perhaps the most well-known brand in the market.

    Nintendo’s characters including Mario and Zelda are much loved but despite the availability of many official titles, some fans feel that some deserve an update or have some gaps filled in their gaming universes.

    One of these fans is modder Kaze Emanuar who, over the past several years and in conjunction with his team, has released a steady flow of unofficial Nintendo-based gaming titles, much to the delight of fans.

    The Missing Link

    During the summer, Emanuar and partners released The Missing Link, a fan-made title that utilized the engine from the now 20-year-old game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the first Zelda game with 3D graphics. The purpose of The Missing Link was to bridge the gap between the critically-acclaimed 1998 title and the 2000 release of Majora’s Mask.

    To play The Missing Link, players need a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in .n64, .z64 or .wad format (compatible with N64 and Wii) and the assistance of a trio of patches, after which the new game can be enjoyed utilizing the assets from the donor game.

    The Missing Link

    The title was well-received by the gaming press but given its nature and the increasingly litigious stance of Nintendo, it was only a question of when the gaming giant would send in its legal team to deal with the rogue code, not if.

    The Missing Link Has Gone Missing

    Since its inception, The Missing Link has been hosted on Github Pages but following a new complaint from a Nintendo of America-appointed attorney, it has now been resigned to history.

    “The copyrighted works are the video games in Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda video game franchise, including without limitation the audio-visual works, story lines, characters, and imagery in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (U.S. Copyright Reg. No. PA0000901848), The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (U.S. Copyright Reg. No. PA0001940271), and others,” the complaint filed with the Microsoft-owned platform reads.

    “Nintendo has reviewed the reported material and does not believe it qualifies as a fair use of Nintendo’s copyright-protected work.”

    The complaint goes on to demand the removal of the website at https://tml.z64.me/ and any related repositories, stating that the URL in question contains “an unauthorized derivative work” of Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda video game franchise “in violation of Nintendo’s exclusive rights.”

    Gone But Not Forgotten

    While Github responded to the complaint as expected by taking the project down, an archive copy still exists, as does the ROM patcher tool required to transform backup copies of Ocarina of Time into The Missing Link.

    And, of course, the necessary .n64, .z64 or .wad files continue to be available from a number of ROM sites and archives (despite Nintendo doing whatever it can to close several down ), meaning that The Missing Link will live on, if only underground.

    This takedown by Nintendo will not have come as a surprise to Emanuar and his team. Considering the fate of earlier projects such as Super Mario 64 Online , Super Mario 64 on the PC and in a browser , a Donkey Kong remake , plus many others, having Nintendo on their tail was almost certainly a calculated occupational hazard.

    And, while unpalatable to some, it is ‘only’ a DMCA takedown, not a lawsuit, which would be an entirely different matter for all involved.

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Super Nintendo World : le parc japonais devrait ouvrir au printemps

      Victor Keller · news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 8 October, 2020 - 08:15 · 2 minutes

    Alexas_Fotos – Pixabay

    Avec plus d’un siècle d’existence -Nintendo est née en 1889 et vendait alors des cartes à jouer avant de se lancer dans le jeu vidéo dans les années 1970- il peut paraître étonnant qu’une des multinationales vidéo ludiques les plus puissantes au monde ait attendu aussi longtemps pour se tailler une place dans le club des parcs à thèmes. C’est désormais confirmé, le parc d’attraction « Super Nintendo World » va bel et bien ouvrir ses portes au printemps prochain au Japon. Nintendo avait dû s’associer en 2015 à Universal Studios (firme américaine spécialisée dans les parcs d’attractions grâce à sa division « Universal Parks & Resorts ») et investir la bagatelle de 40 milliards de Yen (environ 350 millions de dollars) pour lancer ce projet très ambitieux.

    L’inauguration a subit un coup très dur avec le report des Jeux Olympiques d’été de Tokyo , qui auraient fourni la vitrine idéale pour faire découvrir au monde entier ce parc qui fera honneur à des personnages et des licences dont la notoriété a largement dépassé l’archipel nippon. Conçu pour être un « jeu vidéo vivant et grandeur nature » selon les mots de Nintendo, le parc cochera les cases classiques du genre (manèges, restaurants en tous genres, zones interactives) et proposera aussi un pass baptisé « power up band » qui permettra, via un smartphone, de jouer à un jeu vidéo à taille réelle, notamment en récoltant des pièces et en combattant des boss. On imagine aisément que Nintendo est capable de proposer une telle expérience, finalement assez similaire avec celle de l’application ultra-populaire Pokemon Go .

    Pour consoler les fans déçus du report de l’ouverture, un avant-goût du parc a déjà été inauguré : le Mario Cafe & Store sera garni de boissons aux champignons, de sandwiches en forme de chapeau de Mario et de Luigi, ou encore des vêtements à l’effigie des plus grandes licences de Nintendo. Comme Harry Potter, Mario, Luigi et leurs coreligionnaires viennent s’ajouter à la liste des grandes figures de la culture populaire qui ont droit à leur propre parc d’attraction.

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      Précommandez le Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. pour 42,99 euros

      Gregori Pujol · news.movim.eu / JournalDuGeek · Thursday, 8 October, 2020 - 07:20

    Le Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. est un nouvel appareil inspiré des Game & Watch lancés dans les années 80 qui incluaient un jeu ainsi qu’une horloge. Les appareils de la série Game & Watch originelle se sont vendus à plus de 43 millions d’exemplaires à travers le monde.

    Ce Game & Watch est doté d’une manette et fait aussi office d’horloge avec 35 animations, qui incluent des apparitions des amis et ennemis de Mario. En plus des classiques Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (connu au Japon sous le nom de Super Mario Bros. 2) vous retrouverez une version spéciale de Ball en version Game & Watch.

    Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. sera disponible le 13 novembre, mais vous pouvez déjà le précommander pour 43 euros !

    Précommander sur Auchan pour 42,99€

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      ‘Nintendo Sued Team-Xecuter Without Knowing It’

      Ernesto Van der Sar · news.movim.eu / TorrentFreak · Wednesday, 7 October, 2020 - 20:06 · 2 minutes

    team xecuter Last week, the US Department of Justice indicted three alleged members of Team-Xecuter .

    The group, whose modchips and software solutions help to facilitate game piracy, has long been a thorn in the side of Nintendo.

    The authorities didn’t mention any involvement from the Japanese gaming giant in its investigation. However, considering the close eye that it kept on Team-Xecuter, the company was likely consulted down the line.

    Nintendo Sued Switch Hack Stores

    The timing of the criminal prosecution is interesting as well. It follows legal action in which Nintendo worked to shut down ROM sites and stores that sell Team-Xecuter products. In fact, one of the stores that Nintendo has an ongoing case against, Axiogame.com, is believed to be operated by Team-Xecuter.

    Axiogame.com is one of the stores Nintendo sued in May . That case, which lists nine defendants in total, was filed against “John Does” as the operators are unknown. After filing the lawsuit Nintendo did its best to identify those running it, but without success.

    Axiogame = Team-Xecuter?

    The US Government appears to know more. Although all claims have yet to be proven, the Team-Xecuter indictment links Axiogame.com to game piracy conspiracy.

    “The enterprise also sold its circumvention devices directly to individual consumers through its own online platforms. For example, LOUARN and CHEN sold modchips through an online marketplace called axiogame.com. This website sold modchips developed by the enterprise in addition to a variety of gaming accessories,” it reads.

    After the criminal prosecution was announced Axiogame.com and Maxconsole.com, a review site also believed to be operated by Team-Xecuter, remained online. However, that changed yesterday and, at the time of writing, both can’t be reached.

    Court Grants Injunction Against Switch Hack Stores

    Nintendo has booked a victory of its own against Axiogame and the other online stores after a Washington federal court granted its request for a default judgment and permanent injunction.

    The permanent injunction requires the store operators to stop any infringing activity, destroy any infringing products, and hand over their domain names. The injunction also applies to third-party services, including hosting companies and domain registrars and registries, who can be compelled to shut the sites down as well.

    nintendo injunction

    The injunction covers the sites Anxchip.com, Axiogame.com, Flashcarda.com, Mod3dscard.com, Nxcard.com, SXflashcard.com, TXswitch.com, Usachipss.com, Lowbr.com, Masterpl.com, Brujoon.com, Agresu.com, as well as any successors that may appear.

    Axiogame.com’s downtime doesn’t appear to be a direct result of the injunction, as the site was already offline before it was issued. It seems more likely that it’s related to the criminal prosecution.

    It will be interesting to see whether Nintendo will act on the information that was made public through the indictment. Now that it knows who’s allegedly behind Axiogame.com, it can replace the “John Doe” defendant with actual names.

    A copy of the default judgment and injunction obtained by Nintendo against the various stores is available here (pdf)

    From: TF , for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

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      Le Battle Royale Super Mario Bros. 35 est un hommage aussi addictif que limité

      Maxime Claudel · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 1 October, 2020 - 13:32

    À l'occasion de ses 35 ans, Mario, célèbre mascotte de Nintendo, cède à l'appel du Battle Royale. Disponible gratuitement pour les abonnés au Nintendo Switch Online, il repose sur la nostalgie et le talent. [Lire la suite]

    Voitures, vélos, scooters... : la mobilité de demain se lit sur Vroom ! https://www.numerama.com/vroom/vroom//

    L'article Le Battle Royale Super Mario Bros. 35 est un hommage aussi addictif que limité est apparu en premier sur Numerama .

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      Joy-Con Drift : que faire si vous avez ce problème sur Nintendo Switch

      Maxime Claudel · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Tuesday, 22 September, 2020 - 17:13

    On vous explique le problème du Joy-Con Drift, qui affecte les manettes détachables de la Switch. Vous pouvez contacter le SAV de Nintendo France pour obtenir une réparation ou un remplacement. En principe, c'est gratuit. [Lire la suite]

    Voitures, vélos, scooters... : la mobilité de demain se lit sur Vroom ! https://www.numerama.com/vroom/vroom//

    L'article Joy-Con Drift : que faire si vous avez ce problème sur Nintendo Switch est apparu en premier sur Numerama .