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      Free and open source voxel RPG 'Veloren' has a huge new release out

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Saturday, 15 August, 2020 - 15:23 · 1 minute

    Veloren is an in-development open-world and open source voxel RPG, it shows a massive amount of promise and a brand new release is out for you to try. If you missed it, we did an interview with one of the developers back in June which is a good read if you want a little more background info.

    Inspired by the likes of Cube World, Dwarf Fortress, and Breath of the Wild it could be something special and this brand new 0.7 release is showing more of what it's capable of.

    Release Highlights:

    • Progression: crafting system, stats system for items, and improved character saving
    • Exploration: dungeons, new world generation, and castles
    • Combat: new weapons, pets, particle system, skills, groups, improved AI, and new SFX


    That's really just the tip of the code, there's so much that's improved it's crazy. NPCs call for help if attacked, there's speech bubbles for nearby players when talking, a new context-sensitive crosshair was added, there's a Lottery system for loot, a server whitelist system, better pathfinding and the list just goes on. Amazing work by all the contributors.

    They're also having a release party today at 18:00 GMT/11:00 PST/14:00 EST/20:00 CET. All you need to do is make sure you're up to date and logged into the main server.

    Grab it free from the official site , using the launcher is the easiest way.

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.
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      Steampunk base-builder Volcanoids adds online co-op

      Liam Dawe · news.movim.eu / GamingOnLinux · Thursday, 21 May, 2020 - 10:55 · 1 minute

    Volcanoids is pure joy if you love steampunk and great big machines, as it combines the two together and now it has online co-op. Probably one of the most unique survival base-building experiences, especially with your base being something that goes with you on your adventures.

    Released yesterday was online co-op support, along with a brand new trailer to show it off, and I will admit my own hype for it has increasingly somewhat dramatically after watching it. This was the most requested featured for Volcanoids and it's an obvious fit for such a base-builder. Currently it only supports a max of 4 people. Check out the trailer:

    youtube video thumbnail
    Watch video on YouTube.com

    Since this is the first version of it, there's a few limitations in place. Only one drillship can be owned right now but they said that will be changing in future updates, and only the captain can save/load. When a new player joins they will spawn directly into either the drillship or the submarine if the crew doesn't have their own drillship yet.

    Plenty of improvements were also added, like death no longer being such a major issue as you will respawn but you will drop your backpack that will need to be recovered. There's now a panel they call The Boiler, which gives you a readout of some essential info and access to some important controls too. Most importantly though, you shouldn't be overloaded with info now with a more gradual research and unlock system.

    The developer appears to be working hard on getting the Linux version in a good state too. With this latest update some OpenGL detection and text rendering issues should be fixed. The team is also working with Unity to get Vulkan support into a good state, as they said Unity + Vulkan "is less than optimal" right now.

    You can get Volcanoids on Steam where it's 25% off until May 27.

    Article from GamingOnLinux.com - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.