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      Monal IM: Mac 4.9 submitted and 2021

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 31 December, 2020

    There were no show stopping issues with the last east beta and I have submitted Mac 4.9 to the App Store. The update should be available in a couple of days depending on app review times.

    2020 has been a year of remarkable growth for this project thanks to the efforts of Thilo, Frederich and emus. We hope to release 5.0 with even more improvements in 2021

    Happy new year!

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      Alexander Gnauck: MatriX vNext development update

      gnauck • / PlanetJabber • 30 December, 2020 • 1 minute

    There has not been a major release of the MatriX XMPP library for some month. I am working hard on the next major update and want to give a small summary on whats coming.

    There are some huge changes in the latest .NET releases. The effort to combine legacy .NET, Xamarin, MONO and netCore to one unified platform is super exciting.
    With the current netStandard version of MatriX vNext there are still some issues sometimes when MONO based platforms like Xamarin or Unity are targeted. There are still many corner cases where MONO behaves different than .NET.

    Updating to .NET 5 is an easy task, but at the same time I want to take the opportunity for a redesign of some internal components. And one of the major goals for the next release is support for WebAssembly projects with the Blazor framework. Blazor support is only possible with major changes in the networking stack and adding Websockets as a transport option.

    Here is a small summary on what coming with the next major MatriX vNext release

    • update to .NET 5.0
    • remove DotNetty dependency and replace with custom networking code
    • build better abstractions for networking code and build transports as plugins
    • add WebSockets support
    • WebAssembly support with Blazor framework
    • better Xamarin iOS and Android support which comes more or less for free from the previous changes

    I made huge progress and have working tests client for Blazor WebAssembly. But the code still needs some cleanup and more integration and end 2 end tests.The source code and beta packages should be available on GitHub soon.

    Contact me when you are interested and need early access.

    Stay tuned…

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: New App Icon

      Thilo • / PlanetJabber • 29 December, 2020

    For the upcoming Monal 5.0 we want to introduce a new app icon.

    Of course we want to know what you , the users, think about this new icon:

    Feel free to fill up the comment area below 🙂

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      Monal IM: Monal subreddit

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 28 December, 2020

    I have been auto posting Monal updates to twitter for a while. If you do not use twitter and use reddit, you may want to join the new Monal subreddit. Ideally this would be easier to follow than a twitter thread and a place to discuss Monal issues and enhancements

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: Mac 4.9 beta 2

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 27 December, 2020

    The next beta for Mac has been released. This adds the ability to send location from the attachment button and bring it to feature parity with iOS. Barring any last minute issues this will be the version send to apple for release.

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: Mac 4.9 beta out with Apple Silicon support

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 26 December, 2020

    The Mac signing issues with Xcode 12 have been resolved. The beta has been updated. We are also really proud to note that Monal support Apple Silicon from this build onwards. If there are any users with M1 powered Macs, please let us know how it is. The App Store release will be delayed for a few days as Apple gives their employees the holidays off. Expect the update around the new year.

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: iOS 4.9 is out

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 22 December, 2020 • 1 minute

    This is a large update with many changes under the hood

    • complete rewrite of internal xmpp parser
    • complete overhaul of OMEMO including many bug fixes and improvements
    • improved error handling in encryption code
    • added floating “scroll to bottom”-button
    • added notification privacy setting UI
    • added the “/me”-command
    • added support for roster names instead of jid
    • added support for XEP-0333 char-markers including synchronization of message read state across devices (this will even remove notifications for messages read on another device)
    • implemented last message correction and message deletion (using LMC)
    • implemented ui to set own status message and display status messages of contacts in contact-details
    • implemented modern swipe action UI for messages
    • implemented XEP-0172 nicknames (set own nickname, read other nicknames)
    • implemented XEP-0084 user avatar including new ui to set own avatar
    • rewrote complete image/file transfer code
    • removed ancient online/offline distinction for contacts
    • now showing privacy settings after first account setup and on first app start
    • updated localizations
    • added notification actions to reply or mark as read directly from notification without opening the app
    • improved chat scrolling
    • fixed issues with image transfers only showing a grey rectangle
    • fixed ios 12 crash when uploading big OMEMO encrypted images
    • improved UI
    • wifi_tethering open_in_new

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    • chevron_right

      Monal IM: iOS App Store Nutrition Label

      Anu • / PlanetJabber • 12 December, 2020

    I have filled up the new App Store Nutrition Label for the next release. In case there is any doubt about how Monal works, there is zero data collected by the developers or any third party. Whatever you do with Monal is between you, your server and the person you are talking to.

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    • chevron_right

      Ignite Realtime Blog: Smack 4.4.0 released

      Flow • / PlanetJabber • 9 December, 2020

    We are happy to announce Smack 4.4.0 , which is the first major release since the release of Smack 4.3.0 in August 2018. Smack 4.4.0 includes many new features, bug fixes, and improvements. The Smack 4.4.0 release artifacts are now available on Maven Central .

    Smack is a community effort and would not be possible without plenty of contributors. We like to thank everyone who contributed to this release:

    $ git shortlog -sn 4.3.0..4.4.0   813  Florian Schmaus    78  Paul Schaub    27  Aditya Borikar     7  Georg Lukas     7  Guus der Kinderen     4  Benjamin JALON     2  Damian Minkov     2  Jesus Fuentes     2  Oliver Mihatsch     2  Simon Schuster     1  Alameyo     1  Andrey Sokolov     1  Bastien Rouiller     1  Daryl E. Herzmann     1  Eng ChongMeng     1  Greg Thomas     1  Heckel     1  John Haubrich     1  Marcel Heckel     1  Matthew Wild     1  Miguel Hincapie     1  Mohsen Hariri     1  Piotr Nosek     1  Tairs Rzajevs     1  V Lau     1  spslinger

    The release of Smack 4.4.0 also means that Smack 4.3 does no longer receive bug fixes as part of the community effort. However, it is possible to reach out to professional services in case of issues with Smack 4.3.

    Please refer to the release’s README for more information about Smack 4.4

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