Solvespace 3.0 is finally nearing its stable release
news.movim.eu / open-source-software • 29 October, 2020
Solvespace 3.0, an easy to use 3D CAD program, is nearing its stable release. It has many changes under the hood and the developers can surely use help from people willing to test it. The current stable version is Solvespace 2.3 and is from December 2016 so it's safe to say that update is much needed. Unfortunately, as is the case with many FLOSS projects, Solvespace has only a couple of active developers and the main developer had health issues. As a consequence the project practically came to a stand still for several years. Luckily things turned around when a new developer joined the project and was able to dedicate a significant amount of time to it.
IMHO Solvespace serves a niche market but it's very good at what it does, making 3D CAD accessible to a more general public. I think it's also an excellent tool to learn students the basics of geometric constraint solving and parametric modelling.
download: https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace/releases/tag/edge
changelog: https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md