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      Watch these glassy-winged sharpshooters fling pee bubbles with anal catapult

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 28 February, 2023 - 19:23 · 1 minute

    Insects called glassy-wing sharpshooters have an "anal stylus" capable of flicking pee droplets at very high speeds.

    The glassy-winged sharpshooter drinks huge amounts of water and thus pees frequently, expelling as much as 300 times its own body weight in urine every day. Rather than producing a steady stream of urine, sharpshooters form drops of urine at the anus and then catapult those drops away from their bodies at remarkable speeds, boasting accelerations 10 times faster than a Lamborghini. Georgia Tech scientists have determined that the insect uses this unusual "superpropulsion" mechanism to conserve energy, according to a new paper published in the journal Nature Communications.

    A type of leafhopper , the glassy-winged sharpshooter ( Homalodisca vitripennis) is technically an agricultural pest, the bane of California winemakers in particular since the 1990s. It feeds on many plant species (including grapes), piercing a plant's xylem (which transports water from the roots to stems and leaves) with its needle-like mouth to suck out the sap. The insects consume a lot of sap, and their frequent urination consumes a lot of energy in turn, because of their small size and the sap's viscosity and negative surface tension (it naturally gets sucked inward). But the sap is about 95 percent water, so there's not much nutritional content to fuel all that peeing.

    “If you were only drinking diet lemonade, and that was your entire diet, then you really wouldn’t want to waste energy in any part of your biological process,” co-author Saad Bhamla of Georgia Tech told New Scientist . “That’s sort of how it is for this tiny organism.”

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      Tiny version of USS Voyager sheds light on physics of microswimmers

      Jennifer Ouellette · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 17 November, 2020 - 12:46 · 1 minute

    SEM image of a 3D-printed microscopic version of the USS <em>Voyager</em>, a fictional Intrepid class starship from the Star Trek franchise. Studying such objects could lead to tiny robots for targeted drug delivery, among other applications.

    Enlarge / SEM image of a 3D-printed microscopic version of the USS Voyager , a fictional Intrepid class starship from the Star Trek franchise. Studying such objects could lead to tiny robots for targeted drug delivery, among other applications. (credit: R.P. Doherty et al/Soft Matter)

    Physicists at Leiden University in the Netherlands have created a 3D-printed microscopic version of the USS Voyager from the Star Trek franchise, according to a recent paper in the journal Soft Matter. These kinds of synthetic "microswimmers" are of great interest to scientists because they could one day lead to tiny swimming robots for autonomous drug delivery through the bloodstream, or for cleaning wastewater, among other potential applications. Such studies could also shed light on how natural "microswimmers" like sperm and bacteria travel through the human body.

    Because of their small size, microswimmers face unique challenges when they move through fluids. As we've reported previously in the context of different research, biological microorganisms live in environments with a low so-called Reynolds number —a number that predicts how a fluid will behave based on the variables viscosity, length, and speed. Named after the 19th-century physicist Osborne Reynolds , the concept is especially useful for predicting when a fluid will transition to turbulent flow.

    In practical terms, it means that inertial forces (e.g., pushing against the water to propel yourself forward while swimming) are largely irrelevant at very low Reynolds numbers, where viscous forces dominate instead. So because bacteria or sperm swim at low Reynolds numbers, they can barely coast any distance at all if you push them to set them in motion. It's akin to a human trying to swim in molasses.

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      Chitin could be used to build tools and habitats on Mars, study finds

      Jennifer Ouellette · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 22 September, 2020 - 22:18 · 1 minute

    A figurine of an astronaut stands next to a block.

    Enlarge / Scientists mixed chitin—an organic polymer found in abundance in arthropods, as well as fish scales—with a mineral that mimics the properties of Martian soil to create a viable new material for building tools and shelters on Mars. (credit: Javier G. Fernandez )

    Space aficionados who dream of one day colonizing Mars must grapple with the stark reality of the planet's limited natural resources, particularly when it comes to building materials. A team of scientists from the Singapore University of Technology and Design discovered that, using simple chemistry, the organic polymer chitin —contained in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans—can easily be transformed into a viable building material for basic tools and habitats. This would require minimal energy and no need for transporting specialized equipment. The scientists described their experiments in a recent paper published in the journal PLOS ONE.

    "The technology was originally developed to create circular ecosystems in urban environments," said co-author Javier Fernandez . "But due to its efficiency, it is also the most efficient and scalable method to produce materials in a closed artificial ecosystem in the extremely scarce environment of a lifeless planet or satellite."

    As we previously reported , NASA has announced an ambitious plan to return American astronauts to the Moon and establish a permanent base there, with an eye toward eventually placing astronauts on Mars. Materials science will be crucial to the Artemis Moon Program's success, particularly when it comes to the materials needed to construct a viable lunar (or Martian) base. Concrete, for instance, requires a substantial amount of added water in order to be usable in situ , and there is a pronounced short supply of water on both the Moon and Mars. And transport costs would be prohibitively high. NASA estimates that it costs around $10,000 to transport just one pound of material into orbit.

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