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      Les jours du bitcoin sont comptés

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 29 March - 10:21

    Les modèles prédictifs d’une nouvelle étude scientifique sont parvenus à dater ce qui serait la « fin du bitcoin », déjà tant de fois annoncée par erreur. Plongée dans ces statistiques diseuses de mauvaise aventure.

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      On the Dangers of Cryptocurrencies and the Uselessness of Blockchain

      news.movim.eu / Schneier · Friday, 24 June, 2022 - 15:51 · 5 minutes

    Earlier this month, I and others wrote a letter to Congress, basically saying that cryptocurrencies are an complete and total disaster, and urging them to regulate the space. Nothing in that letter is out of the ordinary, and is in line with what I wrote about blockchain in 2019. In response, Matthew Green has written —not really a rebuttal—but a “a general response to some of the more common spurious objections …people make to public blockchain systems.” In it, he makes several broad points:

    1. Yes, current proof-of-work blockchains like bitcoin are terrible for the environment. But there are other modes like proof-of-stake that are not.
    2. Yes, a blockchain is an immutable ledger making it impossible to undo specific transactions. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be some governance system on top of the blockchain that enables reversals.
    3. Yes, bitcoin doesn’t scale and the fees are too high. But that’s nothing inherent in blockchain technology—that’s just a bunch of bad design choices bitcoin made.
    4. Blockchain systems can have a little or a lot of privacy, depending on how they are designed and implemented.

    There’s nothing on that list that I disagree with. (We can argue about whether proof-of-stake is actually an improvement. I am skeptical of systems that enshrine a “they who have the gold make the rules” system of governance. And to the extent any of those scaling solutions work, they undo the decentralization blockchain claims to have.) But I also think that these defenses largely miss the point. To me, the problem isn’t that blockchain systems can be made slightly less awful than they are today. The problem is that they don’t do anything their proponents claim they do. In some very important ways, they’re not secure. They doesn’t replace trust with code; in fact, in many ways they are far less trustworthy than non-blockchain systems. They’re not decentralized , and their inevitable centralization is harmful because it’s largely emergent and ill-defined. They still have trusted intermediaries, often with more power and less oversight than non-blockchain systems. They still require governance. They still require regulation. (These things are what I wrote about here .) The problem with blockchain is that it’s not an improvement to any system—and often makes things worse.

    In our letter, we write: “By its very design, blockchain technology is poorly suited for just about every purpose currently touted as a present or potential source of public benefit. From its inception, this technology has been a solution in search of a problem and has now latched onto concepts such as financial inclusion and data transparency to justify its existence, despite far better solutions to these issues already in use. Despite more than thirteen years of development, it has severe limitations and design flaws that preclude almost all applications that deal with public customer data and regulated financial transactions and are not an improvement on existing non-blockchain solutions.”

    Green responds: “‘Public blockchain’ technology enables many stupid things: today’s cryptocurrency schemes can be venal, corrupt, overpromised. But the core technology is absolutely not useless. In fact, I think there are some pretty exciting things happening in the field, even if most of them are further away from reality than their boosters would admit.” I have yet to see one. More specifically, I can’t find a blockchain application whose value has anything to do with the blockchain part, that wouldn’t be made safer, more secure, more reliable, and just plain better by removing the blockchain part. I postulate that no one has ever said “Here is a problem that I have. Oh look, blockchain is a good solution.” In every case, the order has been: “I have a blockchain. Oh look, there is a problem I can apply it to.” And in no cases does it actually help.

    Someone, please show me an application where blockchain is essential. That is, a problem that could not have been solved without blockchain that can now be solved with it. (And “ransomware couldn’t exist because criminals are blocked from using the conventional financial networks, and cash payments aren’t feasible” does not count.)

    For example, Green complains that “credit card merchant fees are similar, or have actually risen in the United States since the 1990s.” This is true , but has little to do with technological inefficiencies or existing trust relationships in the industry. It’s because pretty much everyone who can and is paying attention gets 1% back on their purchases: in cash, frequent flier miles, or other affinity points. Green is right about how unfair this is. It’s a regressive subsidy, “since these fees are baked into the cost of most retail goods and thus fall heavily on the working poor (who pay them even if they use cash).” But that has nothing to do with the lack of blockchain, and solving it isn’t helped by adding a blockchain. It’s a regulatory problem; with a few exceptions, credit card companies have successfully pressured merchants into charging the same prices, whether someone pays in cash or with a credit card. Peer-to-peer payment systems like PayPal, Venmo, MPesa, and AliPay all get around those high transaction fees, and none of them use blockchain.

    This is my basic argument: blockchain does nothing to solve any existing problem with financial (or other) systems. Those problems are inherently economic and political, and have nothing to do with technology. And, more importantly, technology can’t solve economic and political problems. Which is good, because adding blockchain causes a whole slew of new problems and makes all of these systems much, much worse.

    Green writes: “I have no problem with the idea of legislators (intelligently) passing laws to regulate cryptocurrency. Indeed, given the level of insanity and the number of outright scams that are happening in this area, it’s pretty obvious that our current regulatory framework is not up to the task.” But when you remove the insanity and the scams, what’s left?

    EDITED TO ADD: Nicholas Weaver is also adamant about this. David Rosenthal is good , too.

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      Cryptomonnaies, projets DeFi : comment éviter les arnaques et les projets peu fiables ?

      Aurore Gayte · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 26 August, 2021 - 12:44

    Avec le succès du bitcoin et de l'ether, de plus en plus de projets de cryptomonnaie font leur apparition. Il faut cependant se méfier avant d'investir : il existe de nombreuses arnaques, et tous les projets ne sont pas viables. [Lire la suite]

    Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour ne manquer aucune vidéo !

    L'article Cryptomonnaies, projets DeFi : comment éviter les arnaques et les projets peu fiables ? est apparu en premier sur Numerama .

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      Bitcoin’s value just passed $1 trillion

      Timothy B. Lee · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Friday, 19 February, 2021 - 22:28

    Bitcoin’s value just passed $1 trillion


    Bitcoin's price soared past $56,000 on Friday, pushing the combined value of all bitcoins past the $1 trillion mark—at least in theory. That's more than the market capitalization of Facebook, though Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft are worth more. Bitcoin's value has almost doubled from $29,000 since the start of the year.

    I say "in theory" because not all bitcoins are actually available for use. Each bitcoin (or fraction of a bitcoin) is secured by one or more cryptographic signatures. To transfer a bitcoin, you need to know its corresponding private key. And some of those keys have been lost—and it's impossible to know how many.

    For example, a British man says he threw away a hard drive in 2013 that contained the keys to 7,500 bitcoins—worth around $400 million at today's price. He sought permission to excavate the dump containing the hard drive, but the request was denied.

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    • chevron_right

      The world’s cryptocurrency is now worth more than $1 trillion

      Timothy B. Lee · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Thursday, 7 January, 2021 - 17:30

    The world’s cryptocurrency is now worth more than $1 trillion

    (credit: fdecomite )

    The world's cryptocurrency is now worth more than $1 trillion, with bitcoin accounting for a large majority of the value. The price of the oldest virtual currency has risen to almost $40,000, pushing the value of all bitcoins in circulation up to more than $700 billion.

    Ether, the cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, is now worth more than $140 billion. Then there's a long list of less valuable cryptocurrencies, including Tether at $22 million, Litecoin at $11 million, and Bitcoin Cash at $8 billion.

    Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto is believed to own around 1 million bitcoins. Most of these were mined in the first two years of Bitcoin's existence when there was little competition. If he still has copies of the private keys that control these coins, that would give him a net worth of nearly $40 billion—enough to make him among the 40 wealthiest people on the planet. Nakamoto has never publicly revealed his true identity and has not communicated publicly since 2014.

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    • chevron_right

      Want to really understand how bitcoin works? Here’s a gentle primer

      Timothy B. Lee · news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Saturday, 26 December, 2020 - 14:21

    Want to really understand how bitcoin works? Here’s a gentle primer

    Enlarge (credit: The Matrix / Aurich)

    Update, 12/26/20 : It's the year end holiday season, and Ars staff has been enjoying some much needed downtime. While that happens, we're resurfacing some classic Ars stories like this 2017 explainer on everything you've wanted to know about Bitcoin but may have been afraid to ask. (Because with the cryptocurrency's value reaching a new record high not even two weeks ago , it's perfectly reasonable to want the basic intel.) This piece first published on December 15, 2017 and it appears unchanged below.

    The soaring price of bitcoin—the virtual currency is now worth more than $250 billion—has gotten a lot of attention in recent weeks. But the real significance of bitcoin isn't just its rising value. It's the technological breakthrough that allowed the network to exist in the first place.

    Bitcoin's still anonymous inventor, who went by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, figured out a completely new way for a decentralized network to reach a consensus about a shared transaction ledger. This innovation made possible the kind of fully decentralized electronic payment systems that cypherpunks had dreamed about for decades.

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      Un étudiant a installé un malware sur 169 PC de son université pour miner des cryptomonnaies

      Marie Turcan · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Thursday, 19 November, 2020 - 16:15

    En deux ans, un élève de l'université de Louisiana State a généré l'équivalent de 2 500 dollars en mobilisant illégalement la puissance de calcul des ordinateurs de l'établissement. [Lire la suite]

    Voitures, vélos, scooters... : la mobilité de demain se lit sur Vroom ! https://www.numerama.com/vroom/vroom//

    L'article Un étudiant a installé un malware sur 169 PC de son université pour miner des cryptomonnaies est apparu en premier sur Numerama .

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      Odysee, le « YouTube libre » qui attire les complotistes français

      Aurore Gayte · news.movim.eu / Numerama · Friday, 13 November, 2020 - 17:50

    Odysee, la plateforme de vidéos où le film complotiste Hold Up a été très partagé, est encore peu connue du grand public. Pourtant, après à peine quelques mois d'existence, elle est devenue l'un des endroits les plus propices à la complosphère française. [Lire la suite]

    Voitures, vélos, scooters... : la mobilité de demain se lit sur Vroom ! https://www.numerama.com/vroom/vroom//

    L'article Odysee, le « YouTube libre » qui attire les complotistes français est apparu en premier sur Numerama .

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      Un carnet à imprimer pour suivre votre trading en cryptomonnaies

      Korben · news.movim.eu / Korben · Thursday, 29 October, 2020 - 15:41 · 4 minutes

    Ceux qui me suivent régulièrement le savent, il m’arrive parfois de faire un peu de trading, notamment en cryptomonnaie. D’abord pour le fun parce que c’est amusant, mais également pour augmenter mon crypto-patrimoine.

    J’ai beaucoup lu à ce sujet, je me suis formé en autodidacte, et assez rapidement, je me suis mis à lister mes transactions dans un petit carnet tout moche pour avoir un suivi de chaque trade, mesurer mes gains et mes pertes et surtout respecter au maximum les règles de trading que je me suis fixé pour justement éviter de faire n’importe quoi.

    Quand on débute, on oublie par exemple de mettre des stop loss et c’est pour ça qu’avoir une trame à suivre est important. Ça permet de se fixer un cadre et donc des garde-fous.

    De plus, la fièvre du cyber-or nous guette tous, donc il est important d’effectuer un suivi si on ne veut pas faire n’importe quoi, mais également de rester dans les clous pour vos déclarations d’impôts. J’ai compris une chose depuis que je me suis intéressé au sujet en 2017, c’est qu’il faut être organisé et rigoureux, d’où l’importance d’avoir un carnet.

    Je fais ça bien sûr de manière totalement amateure et aussi parce que ça me détend grave. Se poser tranquille sur mon balcon, avec mon café, faire mes petites analyses techniques, positionner mes pions puis récolter les fruits (ou les échecs, snif) plus tard dans la journée ou quelques jours plus tard, est une activité que je trouve relaxante. Je sais, c’est chelou.

    Quoiqu’il en soit, cette année, j’ai décidé de faire au propre mon petit carnet de crypto trading personnel. Un logbook pour avoir le suivi de tout ça et arrêter de tracer des traits à la règle dans un cahier d’écolier. J’en ai parlé un peu sur mes réseaux et j’ai vu qu’il y avait pas mal de personnes intéressées.

    Je me suis donc amusé à faire un véritable logbook pour les cryptotraders (mais ça marche aussi avec la bourse classique ou le forex) qui permet de relever chaque trade effectué, de se fixer des objectifs, de faire un suivi des gains et des pertes par jour, par semaine, par mois et par an, mais également d’établir ses règles de trading et les avoir sous les yeux, sans oublier un gros memento avec plus de 89 figures haussières, baissières, de renversement…etc que tous les bons traders savent reconnaître, mais que moi en tant que débutant j’ai besoin d’avoir sous les yeux.

    Bref, j’ai mis là-dedans tous les outils dont je me sers pour pratiquer cette activité. Il s’agit d’un PDF dont vous pouvez imprimer les feuilles pour ensuite mettre les feuilles dans un classeur. Je les conçus de manière assez souple pour que chacun soit libre de n’utiliser que ce qui l’intéresse. Certains qui viennent de l’acheter ne voulaient que les pages Memento avec les figures haussières ou baissières pour les imprimer et les afficher à côté de leur écran. Vu ce que je leur ai compilé, ils en ont déjà pour leur argent ^^. Mais croyez-moi, les pages carnets vous seront également très utiles si vous voulez faire ça sérieusement.

    Ah et dans les jours qui viennent, je proposerai sans surcoût une version numérique pour Goodnotes qui vous permettra de l’utiliser directement depuis un iPad.

    C’est bien sûr un carnet qui va évoluer, donc n’hésitez pas si vous avez des retours à me faire pour que je puisse l’améliorer. Je le mettrai ainsi à jour et tout le monde pourra profiter des évolutions.

    + d’infos sur mon Logbook Crypto Trading ici .

    Ah et pour ceux qui voudraient les références des bouquins que j’ai lus pour me former (et que j’ai adoré !) :

    Il y a évidemment beaucoup d’autres livres de référence ici, mais je vous ai mis mes préférés.


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