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      Babbling scouse youngster shows babies can have accents, say scientists

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Friday, 5 July, 2024 - 12:08

    Newborns are tuned in to the ups and downs of speech, and even a cry mimics language heard while in the womb

    The upward intonation, the guttural “ck” and even the cheeky comeback to win the argument: at just 19 months old, baby Orla has mastered the crucial elements of speaking like a scouser.

    Impressively, the toddler who featured in a viral video this week appears to have done so without the need for actual words.

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      Cornish language revives on back of psych-pop and Covid

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 16 June, 2024 - 13:47

    Significant rise in number of people taking lessons amid surge in interest in language declared extinct a decade ago

    The ancient Cornish language has been declared dehwelans dhyworth an marow – back from the dead amid a surge in popularity thanks to Covid-19 and a critically acclaimed psych-pop star.

    There has been a significant rise in the number of people learning Cornish since the pandemic lockdown forced classes online, according to the volunteer network An Rosweyth.

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      Elephants may refer to each other by name

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 - 20:31 · 1 minute

    A group of African elephants, including adults and offspring, walk across a brown plain in front of a mountain.

    Enlarge (credit: Buena Vista Images )

    Lots of animals communicate with each other, from tiny mice to enormous whales . But none of those forms of communication share all but a small fraction of the richness of human language. Still, finding new examples of complex communications can tell us things about the evolution of language and what cognitive capabilities are needed for it.

    On Monday, researchers report what may be the first instance of a human-like language ability in another species. They report that elephants refer to each other by individual names, and the elephant being referred to recognizes when it's being mentioned. The work could be replicated with a larger population and number of calls, but the finding is consistent with what we know about the sophisticated social interactions of these creatures.

    What’s in a name?

    We use names to refer to each other so often that it's possible to forget just how involved their use is. We recognize formal and informal names that refer to the same individual, even though those names often have nothing to do with the features or history of that person. We easily handle hundreds of names, including those of people we haven't interacted with in decades. And we do this in parallel with the names of thousands of places, products, items, and so on.

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      The Washington Book: How to Read Politics and Politicians review – unpicking the lexicon of America’s leaders

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 31 March, 2024 - 17:00 · 1 minute

    New York Times columnist Carlos Lozada examines the speeches, writing and linguistic tics of presidents and members of Congress to expose ‘inveterate deceivers’

    Politicians mince or mash words for a living, and the virtuosity with which they twist meanings makes them artists of a kind. Their skill at spinning facts counts as a fictional exercise: in political jargon, a “narrative” is a storyline that warps truth for partisan purposes. Carlos Lozada, formerly a reviewer for the Washington Post and now a columnist at the New York Times , specialises in picking apart these professional falsehoods. Analysing windy orations, ghostwritten memoirs and faceless committee reports, the essays in his book expose American presidents, members of Congress and supreme court justices as unreliable narrators, inveterate deceivers who betray themselves in careless verbal slips.

    Lozada has a literary critic’s sharp eye, and an alertly cocked ear to go with it. Thus he fixes on a stray remark made by Trump as he rallied the mob that invaded the Capitol in January 2021. Ordering the removal of metal detectors, he said that the guns his supporters toted didn’t bother him, because “they’re not here to hurt me”. Lozada wonders about the emphasis in that phrase: did it neutrally fall on “hurt” or come down hard on “me”? If the latter, it licensed the rampant crowd to hurt Trump’s enemies – for instance by stringing up his disaffected vice-president Mike Pence on a gallows outside the Capitol.

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      “Sleep language” could enable communication during lucid dreams

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 - 21:42

    Image of a pillow surrounded by clouds.

    Enlarge (credit: Westend61 )

    Sleep is a semiconscious state, but there are neurons firing in the brain even when all seems quiet. Now brain activity during the deepest sleep phase could make it possible for people to communicate with the waking world during lucid dreaming.

    If someone is lucid dreaming, they are aware they are dreaming and able to manipulate what happens in the dream. Sleep expert Michael Raduga of Phase Research Center has developed a “language” that’s intended to allow people to communicate while in that state. Called Remmyo, the first language of its kind, relies on specific facial muscle movements that can occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Remmyo can be learned during waking hours like any other language. Anyone capable of lucid dreaming could potentially communicate in Remmyo while asleep.

    “You can transfer all important information from lucid dreams using no more than three letters in a word,” Raduga, who founded Phase Research Center in 2007 to study sleep, told Ars. “This level of optimization took a lot of time and intellectual resources.”

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      AI plus MRI yields the ability to recognize what the mind is hearing

      news.movim.eu / ArsTechnica · Monday, 1 May, 2023 - 21:46 · 1 minute

    Colored image of a cross section of the skull and brain.

    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images )

    We have various ways of seeing what the brain is up to, from low-resolution electrodes that track waves of activity that ripple across the brain, to implanted electrodes that can follow the activity of individual cells. Combined with a detailed knowledge of which regions of the brain are involved in specific processes, we've been able to do remarkable things, such as using functional MRI (fMRI) to determine what letter a person was looking at or an implant to control a robotic arm

    But today, researchers announced a new bit of mind reading that's impressive in its scope. By combining fMRI brain imaging with a system that's somewhat like the predictive text of cell phones, they've worked out the gist of the sentences a person is hearing in near real time. While the system doesn't get the exact words right and makes a fair number of mistakes, it's also flexible enough that it can reconstruct an imaginary monologue that goes on entirely within someone's head.

    Making functional MRI functional

    Functional MRI is a way of seeing what parts of the brain have been active. By tuning the sensitivity of the imaging to pick up differences in the flow of blood, it's possible to identify areas within the brain that are replenishing their energy after having processed some information. It has been extremely useful for understanding how the brain operates, but it also has some significant limitations.

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      Call for Interpreters: translate #rC3!

      sebalis · pubsub.movim.eu / CCCEvent · Friday, 18 December, 2020 - 11:04 · 4 minutes

    [Deutsche Version: unten]

    If you are multilingual and fluent in German, English and maybe other languages, please consider joining the translation team.

    We want to interpret ALL talks in the two main channels and content from other channels too, live and in real time. Our work is transmitted live in the streams, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. For each event we have two channels for interpreted content. In the first, German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. A second translation channel translates into languages other than English or German – what we do there depends on availability and on the interests of the group, and maybe on the specific event.

    That is a lot of material to translate and in order to succeed, we need YOU. With the second channel, you have the chance to contribute in an even more special way if you can interpret into another interesting language (from English or German). We have mostly used French and Spanish up to now, but there were others and we are interested in variety, so let us know what you can offer – especially if you can bring along a few interpreters for the same target language. Sometimes we might even use the second channel for interesting things that are not (strictly) translations.

    Don’t be shy. If you are uncertain whether you’re good enough, chances are that you’ll do just fine. We will try to look after you as best we can in these strange times.

    Simply send an email to translate-subscribe(at)lists.ccc.de and write a quick intro to the mailing list after you’ve completed your subscription. Also sign up as a translation angel at https://engelsystem.de/rc3 and give the system permission to send you emails. Most importantly, join one of our online meetings.

    You need a Mumble client to take part in our meetings and to do the actual work, so set this up as much as you can. Some details can be found at https://wiki.c3lingo.org/divoc . Then follow the mailing list for meeting announcements. This year we recommend that you join a meeting before day 0, but there will be an official kick-off on that day as well

    So please, take this chance and help us bring rC3 to an even wider international audience.

    Microposts can be found at on Twitter at @c3lingo and #c3t and  on Mastodon at chaos.social/@c3lingo – but don’t expect quicker answers there, our social media team is virtually dormant.

    We look forward to welcoming you!

    [English version: above]

    Wenn du mehrsprachig bist und flüssig Deutsch, Englisch und eventuell weitere Sprachen sprichst, dann würden wir dich gerne in unserem Übersetzungsteam begrüßen.

    Wir dolmetschen ALLE Vorträge in den zwei Haupt-Kanälen und Content aus anderen Kanälen live. Unsere Arbeit wird ins Internet gestreamt und Aufzeichnungen werden auf CCC-Servern sowie auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Für jede Veranstaltung haben wir zwei Kanäle für Übersetzungen. Im ersten Kanal werden Talks von Deutsch nach Englisch übersetzt und umgekehrt. Im zweiten Kanal übersetzen wir in andere Sprachen als Deutsch und Englisch – was wir dort machen, hängt davon ab, wen wir im Team haben, von unseren Interessen und vielleicht auch von dem jeweiligen Event.

    Es gibt also viel zu übersetzen, und dafür brauchen wir DICH. Im zweiten Kanal hast du die Gelegenheit, einen besonderen Beitrag zu leisten, wenn du in eine andere interessante Sprache übersetzen kannst (von Englisch oder Deutsch). Meistens haben wir bisher Französisch und Spanisch verwendet, aber es gab auch anderes und wir sind an an Vielfalt interessiert. Wenn du also etwas anbieten kannst, sag einfach Bescheid – besonders dann, wenn du einige Dolmetscher·innen für die gleiche Zielsprache mitbringen kannst. Manchmal werden wir den zweiten Kanal vielleicht sogar für interessante Dinge verwenden, die nicht Übersetzungen (im engeren Sinn) sind.

    Trau dich. Wenn du dich fragst, ob du gut genug bist, wirst du wahrscheinlich gut klarkommen. Wir versuchen, uns gut um dich zu kümmern in diesen seltsamen Zeiten.

    Schicke einfach eine E-Mail an translate-subscribe(at)lists.ccc.de und schreibe eine kurze Vorstellungsmail an die Liste, wenn du fertig eingetragen bist. Registriere dich außerdem als Übersetzungsengel auf https://engelsystem.de/rc3 und erlaube dem System, dir Mails zu schicken. Und, noch wichtiger, nimm an einem unserer Online-Treffen teil.

    Du brauchst einen Mumble-Client für unsere Meetings und auch für die eigentliche Arbeit, also setze das schon auf, so gut du kannst. Weitere Infos zum Setup gibt es in https://wiki.c3lingo.org/divoc . Achte auf die Mailingliste für Meeting-Termine. Dieses Jahr empfehlen wir, dass du schon vor dem Tag 0 ein Meeting mitmachst, aber es wird an dem Tag auch ein offizielles Kick-Off-Meeting geben.

    Also, nimm bitte diese Chance wahr und hilf uns, rC3 für ein noch größeres internationales Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

    Microposts von uns gibt es auf Twitter unter @c3lingo and #c3t und auf Mastodon unter chaos.social/@c3lingo – aber erwartet dort keine schnelleren Antworten, unser Social-Media-Team ist mehr oder weniger im Ruhezustand.

    Wir freuen uns darauf, euch zu begrüßen!

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      #rC3: Neues Ticket-Kontingent

      trim · pubsub.movim.eu / CCCEvent · Tuesday, 8 December, 2020 - 11:01 · 2 minutes

    English version below


    Es gibt am Samstag, 12.12.2020 um 14:00 Uhr noch einmal einen Ticketverkauf.

    Ob es ein drittes Mal welche geben wird, ist nicht sicher.

    Hier geht’s zum Ticketshop.

    What the hack happened???

    Um genau zu sein, haben wir nicht mit der Anzahl an Menschen gerechnet, die sich Tickets geklickt haben. Insbesondere, nachdem anfangs die Stimmen laut waren, »not just another video conference« und »nee, online interessiert uns nicht«. Offenbar ist allerdings auch das Interesse an einem Onlineevent groß und so war das Ticketkontingent (natürlich inkl. Puffer für zeitgleiche Nutzung der Plattform) recht bald weg.

    Neues Ticketkontingent

    Viele Menschen haben über die letzten Tage nochmal alles gegeben, um eine weitere Skalierung möglich zu machen. Deswegen können wir noch einmal ein Kontingent in den freien Verkauf geben. Dieser startet am Samstag, den 12.12.2020 um 14:00 Uhr. Hier geht’s zum Ticketshop.

    Ob wir nach diesem noch ein weiteres Kontingent freigeben können, ist nicht sicher. Falls ja, werden wir es hier im Eventblog bekanntgeben.

    Wozu braucht man die Tickets nochmal?

    Noch einmal kurz zusammengefasst: Die offiziellen Streams und späteren Veröffentlichungen auf media.ccc.de sind wie immer ohne Ticket verfügbar. Die Tickets braucht Ihr für den eingeloggten Bereich, der die Interaktion der Teilnehmenden untereinander ermöglicht, in dem es Workshops/self-organised Sessions gibt, Community-Inhalte wie Assemblies und deren Projekte, Badges zum Sammeln und Achieven, ein paar Überraschungen, sowie die 2D-Welt.


    On Saturday, 12.12.2020 at 14:00 (Berlin, CET, UTC +01:00) we’ll launch an additional ticket contingent.
    If a third round will be available, is currently not sure.
    Link to the ticket shop.

    What the hack happened???

    To be honest, we didn’t expect this number of people willing to participate in #rC3 and subsequently clicking tickets. Especially since in the beginning many said »not just another video conference« or »nawh, online ain’t mine«. But obviously, rC3 was interesting enough to clear out our initial ticket contingent.

    Additional tickets

    People worked hard in the past few days to ensure the event could be scaled up. Therefore we can give out more tickets. Release is on Saturday, December 12, 14:00 (Berlin, CET, UTC +01:00)
    Link to the ticket shop.

    At this stage we’re not sure if a third round, will be possible. If so, we’ll announce it here on the events blog.

    What do you need a ticket for?

    The official streams and the releases are – as always – freely available on media.ccc.de. The tickets are needed for the logged-in-area. There you will have the possibility to interact with other participants, join workshops and self-organised sessions, see community-content like assemblies and their projects, find badges to collect and achieve, some surprises and the 2d-world.