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      Macron has been hugging France’s heroes as though he dare not let the Olympics go | Angelique Chrisafis

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Sunday, 11 August, 2024 - 05:00

    Medal success has offered the president welcome weeks of respite in his country’s fraught political climate – but what happens when the athletes go home?

    The French president, Emmanuel Macron, is famed for his enthusiastic hugging of sports stars – as the footballer Kylian Mbappé can attest. Macron walked on to the pitch, somewhat awkwardly pulled Mbappé to his chest and patted his head to console him after defeat to Argentina in the last World Cup.

    But at the Paris Olympics, Macron’s touchy-feely approach to the nation’s athletes has exceeded anything that had gone before.

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      Moulin Rouge in Paris celebrates installation of new windmill sails

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 09:15

    Cabaret club’s sails collapsed in April and new ones are up in time for Olympic torch to pass by on 15 July

    Paris’s Moulin Rouge cabaret club, whose landmark windmill sails fell down in April, has inaugurated a new set, a week before the Olympic torch was due to pass by the venue.

    The home of the can-can was temporarily laid low after the sails of the red-painted windmill tumbled to the ground in the early hours of 25 April.

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      Les tickets de métro augmentent à 4 euros : faites le plein de tickets à 1,73 euro

      news.movim.eu / Numerama · Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 08:05

    Du 20 juillet au 8 septembre, à cause des Jeux olympiques, les prix des transports en commun augmentent à Paris et en Île-de-France. Le ticket T+ passe à 4 euros, tandis qu'un carnet coûtera 32 euros. Les forfaits seront remplacés par des « Pass Paris 2024 », avec un accès illimité sur plusieurs jours. On vous explique comment faire le plein de tickets aux prix actuels.

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      Paris loses spot as Europe’s largest equity market to London

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Monday, 17 June, 2024 - 16:17

    Investors have reacted to political turmoil in France in week since President Macron called shock snap election

    Paris has lost its spot as Europe’s largest equity market to London, as investors react to political turmoil in France in the week since president Emmanuel Macron called a shock snap election .

    Stocks listed on Euronext Paris are collectively worth about $3.13tn after about $258bn was knocked off the market capitalisation of French companies, putting it behind the London Stock Exchange’s $3.18tn (£2.51tn), according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Separate data from Refinitiv, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group, also suggest that the market value of UK-listed companies is bigger.

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      More than mere camembert: why France leads the world in cheesemaking

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Friday, 14 June, 2024 - 16:33

    The opening of France’s first cheese museum in Paris complements the city’s high concentration of top fromageries

    Homage to fromage: cheese museum opens in Paris

    France is not the only player when it comes to fromage . Outstanding cheeses are being produced in Great Britain, Switzerland and even the US. And the most recent winner of the World Cheese Awards – Nidelven Blå – comes from Norway.

    Still, no other cheese-producing nation can match France in terms of the sheer number of exceptional cheeses. The French tradition of cheesemaking began more than 2,000 years ago and, since then, they have figured out a thing or two: which animal breeds thrive best in certain areas, how to harness moulds and bacteria to produce safe cheeses with deliciously complex flavours, and how to pair them with wine.

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      France assesses Paris Olympics terrorist threat in light of Moscow attack

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 28 March, 2024 - 17:04

    Minister meets with intelligence services to discuss security for Games that includes opening ceremony on the Seine

    The French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, has met with intelligence services to assess the terrorist threat to the country, after the Moscow concert hall attack claimed by Islamic State raised fresh security fears over the Paris Olympics.

    One of the biggest security challenges facing the organisers of the Games in the French capital is to protect the opening ceremony on 26 July. It is planned to be an unprecedented, open-air extravaganza, which for the first time in Olympic history will not take place within the confines of a stadium, but instead involve a flotilla of 94 boats carrying thousands of waving athletes down a 6km (3.7-mile) stretch of the Seine, followed by a further 80 boats carrying media and security, while an estimated 222,000 people gather along the river’s edge and 200,000 more watch from buildings.

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      ‘Sport is never just sport’: Olympics exhibition in Paris reflects 20th century’s highs and lows

      news.movim.eu / TheGuardian · Thursday, 28 March, 2024 - 05:00

    Les Jeux Olympiques: Miroir des Sociétés opens ahead of Paris Olympics and puts previous games in context of conflicts and injustices

    From the Nazi stadium propaganda in 1936 Berlin to the 1968 Mexico City podium protest of medal-winners Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who were expelled from the competition after raising their gloved fists in a Black Power salute against racial injustice, the Olympic Games have held a mirror up to some of the darkest moments of 20th-century history.

    Now, as the Paris Olympics prepares to open this summer against a backdrop of war from Ukraine to the Middle East – with Emmanuel Macron saying Russia will be asked to observe a ceasefire in Ukraine during the Games – a new exhibition in Paris takes an unflinching look at the social and geopolitical impact of the Games over the last century.

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    Enercoop a versé 100 000€ de primes fléchées à ses producteurs - GreenUnivers

    La Cour des comptes juge le #plan de vidéo #surveillance de la capitale globalement « coûteux » et « inadapté », alors que le nombre de #caméras installées à #Paris est passé de 1 000 à 4 000 après les attentats de 2015.
